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Vanishing Point: Section II (eBook)

Written by Ira James Rogers (Part 2 of 5)

Previously, on Vanishing Point:

Material Splinter
ζητέω Pt. I Philanthropy

To retain context and make room for digestion, please read and watch the contents of Vanishing Point I before continuing further.

This series also has an entire 3 part film I made for it. The entire thing is here.

Vanishing Point (2023) | Full Film
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Vanishing Point: Section II

ζητέω Pt. II: Fragments of Frequency

Smoke and Mirrors
Atmospheric Dispersion

Note: Encountering much of this information has been like trying to solve a very, very massive puzzle in that opinions cannot be opinions when faced with what is objectively testable, measurable and repeatable in accordance with the laws of nature and by removing what has never been proven to exist from our understanding of reality itself. It is my hope in contextualizing this crucial information that my transcriptions of these thoughts can help us unearth the secrets of the old world, by contrasting it against the perceived realm we currently occupy. I seek to provide endearing notations toward the phenomenal researches of today’s most profound philosophers, and encourage the reader to extract value accordingly. “Let’s just take the elevator, Mr. Green”.
Wake up, Mr. Green

ζητέω Pt II:

Fragments of Frequency


The year 1879: a year where being an “inventor” was a career in itself, as owning patents helped define the ensuing distributions of wealth during a gold rush of simulated innovation. On the control frequency of making a profit with a meter, and weaponizing stories told to the public about fossil fuels, artificial scarcity would simulate value for the burning of crude oils in order to control and distribute synthetic systems of energy. Technologies of the old world would be rendered into another false obsolescence with purposes inverted in order to become reverse engineered by these well-paid “inventors” in order to impermanently retrograde into these shocking outlets of taxable power.

1879 would be the year that a freemason named Thomas Edison would “invent” a practical lightbulb that could operate on this frequency and be usefully sold to the public. He remarkably accrued over one thousand patents during this time of the industrial revolution, gifting him with wealth and broadly accepted infamy. Stories such as these were taught to us via philanthropist-funded curriculums in school, television specials, and the wormed hook of pop culture disguised as Science™.

Thomas Edison’s lightbulb “invention of 1879

The function of these amplified and heavily promoted stories served a calculated purpose in order to mask over our true history of energy systems. The formula was to trick the public at large into becoming unconsciously grateful for the simulated spontaneity of technological “miracles”, such as our poisoned gadgets that were conjured up by the laborious behemoths of corporate autocracy, amidst the droned industry responsible for the brutalist inversion of architecture, the deliberate crippling of economics and intentional disruption of any truthful innovation.

In 1989, the Israeli Mossad agent Robert Maxwell purchased McGraw Hill textbooks, which many Americans will remember staring at in school. Robert Maxwell was the father of Ghislane Maxwell and was a megadealer for the Rothschilds. These textbooks would supplant inverse narratives from the realm of public schools, hence why much information about free energy has been masked, censored, and cast into the realms of wispy occlusion.

Mr. Rothschild's Energy Discovery
“What Mr. Rothschild had discovered was the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics. That principle is "when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you."

It’s very complex to perform, but it’s fairly easy to understand; people lie about science, and often disguise pseudoscience as science. Modern Science™ is a pseudoscience itself in that it stringently operates as a fragmentation of alchemy, in that classical metaphysics are materialistically occluded or discarded by collective ego in it’s trajectory toward a reductionist destruction of spirit and it’s connection toward the laws of nature. It compartmentalizes reality and stifles creativity for sake that it is walled off by a lowest common denominator of authoritative peer review within a bottomless pit of circular definitions, serving as a distracting hand in an elusive con.

Many would inquire to me about why anyone would ever do this. It’s a gatekeeping sales chop to siphon energy and wealth toward an ideological cult of benefactors. I must inquire in return; what is it that motivates the corruption of the scientific method, the inversion of energy systems, and the propagandized occlusion on the shared terrain of our environment?

Always start by asking, “Qui bono? (Who benefits?)”, and it’s likely to find the ones consciously complicit in such a graft.

Regarding the inversion of energy systems, you can continue by asking yourself if you legitimately would touch a power line, or stick a fork into an electrical socket. You wouldn’t. It’s time to stop pretending any of this is normal. It’s not normal. It’s an inversion of electricity on DC current, deliberately built on the illusion of scarcity. Its normalization holds economic foundation in that this type of specialty electrical charge can be taxed and metered.

We do not see in the mainstream / corporation based media and oil archon philanthropy funded education systems any mention of the alchemical achievements of the past that have been magically erased, censored, or destroyed. Various large organizations (oil people, technocrats, archons, power companies, controllers, etc.) consciously or unconsciously seek to stomp out any means for members of a society to freely distribute energy systems. They do not want people taking the means of this type of power/energy into their own hands.

Meanwhile, “history” tells us that these star forts were built as structures for defense during old wars. In sheer contrast to the high level aesthetics of the old world, simply use your eyes in order to observe how we transfer systems of energy today. Compare, contrast, and measure the aesthetics for yourself.

That which is aesthetic constitutes substance.

That which is unaesthetic is comprised of insistence.

“Military architecture”. Right…


During 1861, it is stated that the American Civil War began. That same year, another more stealthy tactic in the long game of a silent war across the known world would become tactfully war-gamed out by the philanthropist investors of oil companies, in opposition to the existence of everyday civilian life. The civilian class would be subjugated through the philanthropists’ prison-like education system to be rendered unconscious of the silent war altogether and subjected to its constricting framework of dialectical materialism… Shady salesman tactics and simulated problems would mask over and thus protect the prime investment of the oil company philanthropists.

The nexus of this stealthy war against pathogens would begin from underneath a microscope in France during 1861, the same year documented as the beginning of the American Civil War. A calculated chess move would be played out by one’s announcing another “fire in the theater” claim regarding external pathogens to be the cause of disease. Shapeshifting its imagination-assaulting nothingness, Louis Pasteur would then become the founding father of the microscopic “discovery” of Germ Theory as an acceptably sufficient explanation for what would be publicly perceived, diagnosed and accepted as materialistically truthful causes for disease by a stealthy, invisible, external pathogenic microbe.

Was there any experiment to prove this? No. Not one of these germ game experiments have proven sufficient when compared alongside reality itself, for there are not random monkey kidney cells floating around in mid-air with bovine fetus serum nutrients, nor are there human liver cancer cells chaotically flying all around us to stealthily trigger symptoms, nor are any of us being pulled in and out of laboratory incubators by some ego-possessed lab coat virologists who are paid by our tax dollars to proselytize their predatory dominance upon entire populations of people by flaunting around their college degree of pseudoscientific fraudulence. The entire process is designed specifically to socially distance the victim apart from their otherwise sovereign solutions, and thus enslave them with the assistance of their own respective opponents.

Before his death, Louis Pasteur rescinded many of his initial claims and stated the following on his deathbed.

“The terrain is everything, the microbe is nothing.”

To provide some foundation for this necessary pattern recognition, here’s a brief recap from the end of my previous chapter “Philanthropy”, in which I helped expose why the dinosaurs never existed:

Frequently shadow-banned from algorithms and search engines altogether, Eric Dubay’s extensive essays in obliterating the dinosaur narrative helped peel our minds back to the year 1842, where we find a museum-owning member of the Royal Society, Sir Richard Owen conjure together some evolutionist words by his single-handed invention of the class dinosauria, without any evidence to support his primary claim. This would eventually produce a respective specialty field that became just another egoistic ontology of evolution taught to us from a young age, before we could investigate the claims for ourselves.

It is claimed that the first dinosaur to have been scientifically discovered was the Megalosaurus, when British fossil hunter William Buckland found some fossils in 1819. Eventually he would describe and name them. However, what’s more important to measure would be the ideological motive behind his “discovery”, and thus continue an investigation into philanthropic interests.

Sir Richard Owen: member of the Royal Society.

Like Sir Richard Owen’s evolutionist invention of the word dinosaur, germ theory would also become speculatively hypothesized by one French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur. This cult of the microbe would become extensively compensated for selling people into such a highly profitable claim. It’s clear to see who benefits from this corny sales tactic, as those who push germ theory are often excessively rewarded by statesmen through their propagandized insistence of germ theory’s speculative hypothesis as a “reasonable enough conclusion” to draw in it’s substantial necessity for public support. In this subchapter, virus existence has a starting point that has already reached its own vanishing point, for no one has ever seen a virus, nor have they ever proven a virus to be a true cause of disease. When it comes to viruses, the only thing re-appearing far beyond the horizon of this vanishing point are silly cartoons, and the cell detritus that we call exosomes.

Where empirical science can deduce for us what there isn’t, germ theory and virus existence sit in place as inverted red room negatives for what is in any sort of alignment with the laws of nature. That which heals cancerous tissue becomes forensically maligned by the inverted ideologies of the square-headed observer with a degree, and the lie itself becomes an acceptable enough conclusion as they would “wait until further evidence” before declaring what is true about what is being observed. By ignoring further evidence, and deliberately failing to participate in any further conversation about it, this inverse worship from beneath the microscope can thus simulate itself as “settled science”. The public has become guilt-tripped for freely breathing air as anyone deserves while the pathological cultists of climate change and the archbishops of virology continue lying to the public in order to protect the hands that feed them. These pathological lies produce totalitarian results which functions to to punish everyday civilian life with a devastatingly reductionist emotional tax for sake of upholding baseless theories that have never been proven to be real.

“It’s no use, power rangers! You can’t fight your own worst fears! One by one, you shall all fade away… FOREVER!!!”
Image from: The Formula

In an interview conducted by Nutritruth that was recently censored from youtube, google, and duckduckgo search engines, holistic psychiatrist Kelly Brogan was quoted in a remaining transcript, stating the following:

“The more people do not take care of the terrain of their bodies, minds and souls, the more dis-ease they will experience.
You can’t “catch” a “virus,” (which is really an exosome aka a cell poop). Germ theory is fraudulent— microbes themselves are not the *cause* of “disease.” Rather, they are like micro surgeons or construction workers.
The truth is, your body makes particles when you’re detoxing or going through a healing phase of a biological conflict shock.
Those particles are not “contagious” in the traditional sense of the word and we are coming to learn that virology as a field has been debunked by ex-virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka in a German court of law as well as by many other researchers and medical doctors…
…The theory that certain “diseases” are caused by “pathogenic microbes” is one of the most persistent doctrines of modern medicine. This general conception is largely attributable to the fact that microbes are present at the site of a “diseased” organ. And since the activity of microbes is accompanied by swelling, fever, inflammation, pus, discharge, and pain, microbes are believed to be the cause of “infectious diseases”. Similar to the idea that an “abnormal” growth of cancer cells leads to the development of a “malignant” tumor, it is wrongly assumed that microbes growing beyond their normal ranges (see immune system theory) results in virulent “infections”.
Microbes don’t cause diseases but play instead a vital role during the healing phase.”

What else resurfaces when we zoom in far beyond the vanishing point of cartoon viruses are staggeringly objective evidences of a shockingly aesthetic world that’s been deliberately hidden from us in plain sight. We live amidst the remains of systems of free and infinite ethereal energy by societies that completely understood the realms of frequency and vibration, and used it to benefit the general quality of life. From this point, it is within all doctrines of anti-truth and its consequential inversions that come our formulas for unwinding these genealogical clues necessary to contextually unveil its inevitably truthful opposite.

Let’s begin with something so simple as the flu, and go from there…

In all of the cities where highly unaesthetic power lines were installed for public use during the year 1882, a strain of the flu magically made its emergence en masse. The flu (or as they now call it “COVID-19”, if you for some reason still want to even call it that) is frequently mistaken to be a contagion. There exists the presupposition of a mysterious pathogenic virus transferring from one person (carrier) to another person to make sick, although contagion has never ever been proven once, and a pathogenic virus has never been isolated or proven to be a cause for disease (dis-ease).

Yet again, that very same year that the statist Rockefeller think tanks and big oil philanthropists hurled up their dirty power lines, and carrying with it a volatile frequency, another total coincidence occurred from beneath the microscope by a statesman named Robert Koch, who was a member of a German government commission. In March of 1882, Robert Koch claimed to have isolated tubercule bacillus, and postulated this to be the external particle that was the leading cause of the disease mycobacterium tuberculosis. Like many other statesmen throughout our time who have lasciviously propelled Pasteur’s germ theory as the “best source” to estimate the case of dis-ease, statesman Robert Koch established another shaky foundation in his “discovery” of these pathogenic particles as the source code for the “airborne illnesses” throughout that year. Think of it like a mechanic deliberately lying to you about completely non-existent problems with your car, but there comes some facility in just taking his word for it for ease of mind, and allowing this lying mechanic to “optimally upkeep” the vehicle at a fraudulent expense.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
-Dad (1954-2012)

Symptoms are the body’s way of communicating with you, as the disturbances occur due to ingested poisons, psychosomatic illness, or a toxicity of distorted frequency, but its causes are not to do with the random input of magic particle viruses, nor any type of material contagion. In the case of microscopes being used as totalitarian weapons to impose ideological domination for those who do not hold access to the expensively occluded microscopes, it’s simply important to know what is not the cause of disease, as a means to avoid a blunder of self and our respective civilizations while we use this pivot to put all the pieces back together by exposing this diabolical fraud, and find more truthful solutions within the removals of the cause of the problem.


All of our governments are in on it. It’s just a game being played out by psychopath controllers who seek to enslave as many people as possible, inch by inch, by getting them dependent upon their technocratic low vibrational slave system, and digitally book-burning the philosophies of true opposition. Exceptions to this scheme have existed and occasionally made truthful friction against the alignment of our falsely democratic conspiracy to form a one-world totalitarian government. The exceptions included those nation leaders who were clearly killed by the Empire for speaking out against it, for their messages had potential to resonate with civilian minds toward any form of joy.


In 2020, Tanzanian President John Magufuli spoke out against the scamdemic and deemed COVID-19 to be a complete bullshit hoax parroted forward by the World Health Organization and it’s acolytes. Magufuli’s sense of humor was quite brilliant and truly deserves credit here, for he treated the alphabet soup agencies like the lying children that they truly are. When the ethylene oxide laced slow poison rollouts of COVID PCR tests arrived on his doorstep, him and his officials mailed the tests back to representatives of the WHO. He ordered to give the tests false human names, while sampling some motor oil, a goat, and some pawpaw fruits, to see if these silly things had contracted COVID-19. With the goat testing positive and the motor oil showing results that were inconclusive, this hilarious prank became a true breaking point in the worldwide scamdemic phalanx.

Members of the mainstream media held stoic and inflammatory gravedances over his death, where they conclude without evidence to have been caused by “Covid-19”, which is clearly not the case at all. Once one perceives beyond the virus narrative, processes of elimination should rule out the false, and provide the hint you need to help you play detective, and thus determine what it was that actually killed him.

A journalist from Al Jazeera states:

“…speculation was rife that he had contracted Covid-19.”

It seems to me that what happened was that he was ordered to be poisoned/murdered by statist ideologues for telling his people the truth about Covid-19 being absolute bullshit. At the very least, this is the most likely scenario, considering that those familiar with the terrain model now know that there is no such thing as a virus as a cause of disease. We are so heavily insisted upon to believe that he had died just because he and many of his citizens and constituents were not wearing masks.

A ritualistic sacrifice necessary to reinforce the inverted morality of the Empire.

Modern Science™ is so fragile, in that it’s constituents fail to utter the words such as “assassination” or simple words like “poison”. Roll out the peer reviewed papers and fact checker teams and air-bend the context by lacing out bear traps by modern journalists. Invert reality… Get paid… Invert reality… Give tongue baths to traitors… Invert reality…


Frequently, accusations arise of foreign dictators, especially whenever a leader chooses to have natural resources and energy systems directly benefit the economy of it's own civilian class.

Another nation leader who spoke out against the worldwide totalitarian scheme would be Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, where in 2009, he stayed an hour and a half past his 5-10 minute window to perform an extensive speech at the United Nations general assembly.

Although it was 13 years ago that he was just slightly off in his prediction that new viruses would be created and spread throughout the world, his sentiment of openly speaking up about his prediction was of high enough quality during that time period. What we are seeing instead is that the ideological empty space that statesmen insist upon are new cartoon fairy tale viruses which would produce catastrophic economic consequences in favor of the corporate sector by simulating bullshit cartoons on television in order to trick subjects into getting poisoned by laced q-tip nasal swabs and then baiting them into inverted materialist elixirs, designed to control the world through mRNA technology and graphene oxide.

It was still a great speech, full of criticisms against the “peacekeeping fascism” that specifically benefits US-NATO imperialism and the destructive salesmen of the military industrial complex.

Gaddafi also made an effort to set forth programs that would enrich civilians of his nation and empower them through the energy systems being utilized there.

Gaddafi wrote:

“They want to do to Libya what they did to Iraq and what they are itching to do to Iran. They want to take back the oil, which was nationalized by these country’s revolutions. They want to re-establish military bases that were shut down by the revolutions and to install client regimes that will subordinate the country’s wealth and labor to imperialist corporate interests. All else is lies and deception.”

Additionally, here are some details about living in Libya under Gaddafi’s leadership:

1. There was no electricity bill in Libya; electricity was free for all its citizens.
2. There was no interest on loans, banks in Libya were state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at zero percent interest by law.
3. Having a home was considered a human right in Libya.
4. All newlyweds in Libya used to receive 60,000 dinars (£34,470) by the government to buy their first apartment, to help start up the family.
5. Education and medical treatments were free in Libya. Before Gaddafi, only 25 percent of Libyans were literate. Today, the figure is 83%.
6. If Libyans wanted to take up a farming career, they would have received farming land, a farming house, equipment, seeds and livestock to kickstart their farms... all for free.
7. If Libyans could not find the education or medical facilities they needed, the government funded them to go abroad. For it was not only paid for, but they got a £1585/month for accommodation and car allowance.
8. If a Libyan bought a car, the government used to subsidize 50 percent of the price.
9. The price of petrol in Libya was £0.09 per litre.
10. Libya had no external debt and its reserves amounted to £103 billion -which are now frozen worldwide.
11. If a Libyan was unable to get employment after graduation, the state would pay the average salary of the profession, as if he or she was employed, until employment was found.
12. A portion of every Libyan oil sale was credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.
13. A mother who gave birth to a child received £3447.
14. 40 loaves of bread in Libya used to cost £0.10.
15. 25 percent of Libyans now have a university degree.
16. Gaddafi carried out the world's largest irrigation project, known as the Great Manmade River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.

Read more about it here.

A nation’s leader performing this type of leadership among his people would elicit a subsisting system that worked ever so slightly in favor of its population, but the world controllers knew that something like this, from these men who were willing to use their platforms in order to speak out against the greater fascist agenda had great potential to actually glitch out the matrix of their slave systems. In consequence, the media excessively lied about and propagandized against Gaddafi, where shortly after, his nation became littered with Raytheon carpet bombs by the Obama administration, with the help of the absolute ghouls like Hillary Clinton, and the almighty peacekeepers of NATO. Anyone equipped with any dimensional hindsight and pattern recognition can clearly see why this Libyan leader was murdered by competitive statists and then slandered upon.

The answer was simple: he was not a slave marionette for the worldwide fascist agenda, so they disposed of him by funding, arming, and controlling the rebel opposition to the Gaddafi regime.

Meanwhile, the psychopathic charlatans of our mainstream media continually gravedance over these publicized war crimes and murders while hypnotizing the masses with the inverse disciplines of political correctness and horrifically pathological anti-truths designed to indiscriminately punish civilian life.

All governments which operate in lockstep to enslave humanity are in on it, regardless of political polarizations. Confusion is a tool.


It’s no secret that statist fascism and genetic preferences for human discrimination is clearly wrong, but when further investigation becomes taboo, questions rise to surface, but frequently are occluded by one’s own emotional control mechanism. Survivors recount contentious events that took place via interviews, and it’s often the civilian perspective which holds true regarding the Nazi state’s punishment against European civilians, which was based upon an ideology. German anti-Nazis were the first victims of the Nazi killings for simply distributing leaflets and encouraging other civilians of that time to simply not comply with the government. Today, we witness the ideological superiority complex by the insisting yet false justifications for the state of Israel during it’s illegitimate occupation of Palestinian territory. Backed by the US Empire and the United Nations, Israel rationalizes motives of domination while prohibiting the freedom to travel for those living in the Gaza strip. Sound familiar?

What’s necessary here is to recognize that the Third Reich were part of a larger agenda, and as we zoom out, we notice that many of the stories told to us were just not true, but that which is true becomes critical information to digest. The dialectical swing of a pendulum targeted the civilian class, as any government would, seeding to expand it’s ideological bias by fueling future campaigns for their eventual governmental totalitarian opposite.

In a 2021 interview with lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and the German Corona Investigative Committee, Vera Sharav’s opening statement is as follows:

“…as a child survivor of the Nazi reign of terror, I learned indelible lessons about the nature of evil. I know the consequences of being stigmatized and demonized as spreaders of disease.

My perspective is informed by my experience, by the historical record, and by the empirical evidence. We were required, as Germans know, to wear a yellow Star of David to identify us. To segregate Jews, exclusionary laws barred family from normal life, from attending ordinary activities. Our property was impounded. We were forbidden to participate in all educational, religious, cultural gatherings. Travel was forbidden for Jews, so there was no escape.

These painful memories from my childhood sensitized me to the threat posed by current restrictive government dictates.

You know, in 1776, Benjamin Rush, a doctor and signer of the Declaration of Independence foresaw the danger of medicine organizing as, what he called an “undercover dictatorship”.

Under the Nazi regime, moral norms were systematically obliterated. The medical profession and institutions were radically transformed. Academic science, the military, industry and clinical medicine where tightly interwoven…

…as they are now.

The Nazi system destroyed a social conscience in the name of public health. Violations against individuals and classes of human beings were institutionalized. Eugenics driven public health policies replaced the physician’s focus on the good of the individual. German medical professioning institutions were perverted. Coercive public health policies violated individual civil and human rights. Criminal methods were used to enforce policies.

Nazi propaganda used fear of infectious epidemics to demonize Jews as “spreaders of disease”, as a menace to public health. This is a hallmark of anti-semitism: blame the Jewish people for existential threats. In the Middle Ages, Jews were blamed for the bubonic plague and the black plague. Fear and propaganda were the psychological weapons the Nazis used to impose a genocidal regime.

And today, people are beginning to understand why the German people didn’t rise up.

Fear kept them from doing the right thing.”

For sake that the intent of perpetrators on all sides of conflict becomes frequently masked by deliberately intentional postwar exaggeration, many stories we are told in school get pushed and promoted so hard that it’s bound to draw questions about the European events during World War II. Not once during our school years were we taught about how germ theory was the key tool used by the Nazi regime during World War II, hence why so many people in today’s time completely fell for the same bag of tricks all over again.

In his book “…and the Truth Shall Set You Free”, David Icke wrote:

“The same attitude that suppressed the challenge to the manipulation of World War Two, today sees people vilified and jailed for questioning some of the official versions of The Holocaust in Nazi Germany. If you do that, no-one listens to the evidence because this is lost in the tidal wave of vilification and condemnation. If people want to believe that all those who question the official line are Nazis and apologists for the Hitler regime, or anti-Jewish, then they must go ahead and do so. But I'll tell them this. They are kidding themselves, because that isn't true. It simply isn't.

As the old vibration of life begins to crumble and the new one emerges, we are in the period now when the muck of the past which has remained hidden is coming to the surface to be dealt with and dispersed. The content of this book is part of that. It is not only individuals who have suppressed emotions which eat them away and eventually have to be dealt with, it is the Earth and the collective mind of humanity also. The process of cleansing the Earth takes many forms, and one of them is for all that has been secret and suppressed to come into the public spotlight. Whether people like it or whether they don't, the official version of The Holocaust cannot avoid this exposure to proper debate for very much longer. The process of cleansing and transformation will ensure that this will happen.

The way the Nazis treated many Jewish people is unspeakable. There are no words adequate to describe it. The pain, as we see in the commemorations, appears undiminished for those who lived through it. What an insult it would be to those people who suffered so, if it were established that their pain and unimaginable horror is also being used without their knowledge, to promote and protect a longer term plan. It would qualify, perhaps, as one of the ultimate inhumanities. Are people who did not suffer under the Nazis using the emotions of those who did to manipulate events for their own diabolical ends? We can only establish if that is true by allowing all information about that period to be made public without vilification or condemnation.”

Instead of receiving truthful information about that era in time, we are taught silly Pinocchio nonsense that does indeed stretch far beyond what is remotely truthful. Fake stories by the Empire get pumped out and installed into a snooze-fest of elongated curriculums that were intently produced by inverse charity. Sometimes, we may subconsciously want the scary horror movies to be real, so we seek real life horrors to bounce off of; we were given titles of Netflix or TV specials about the Nazi lampshades that were made of human skin, only to find a suspended anticlimax where the documentary fails to provide any evidence for the claims whatsoever; an endless rabbit hole of speculation leading a path straight toward empty space. In our philanthropist-funded school systems, we were all coerced into reading a forged document: “The Diary of Anne Frank”, which would then be used to further propagate imperialist Zionism in later years, by strategically swaying egoistic masses into shunning anyone who questions the existence of time-traveling ball point pens.

Does this sudden shift in her handwriting style seem a little strange to you?

After all, why would her father Otto Frank lose an entire court case in regard to the document’s forgery afterward?

Just like dinosaur museums, the state today uses decoys as an emotional energy drain by the silent weapons of purposefully fake stories that are written by design in order to pluck our emotional heart strings. Mass cultural taboos arise in order for the ego to protect its own emotional investment, without bothering to take a closer look. Discourses become fragmented based on another lie that was told to them in school by a teacher who didn’t research it either. The function of this diabolical inversion is in order to further exterminate the extermination itself, by distorting the statistical data, and leaving out details about the Nazi state’s germ theory game, that was actually used in the events leading up to World War II.

With the emotion-bending qualities of deliberately fictional stories insisted to us as being real, that empty space of privation produces an unconscious statist justification, and thus effectively insists that an umbrella of jurisdiction is necessary in order to micromanage the civilian class by means of elusive mind control, by artificially installing formulas and demands for unconscious subservient compliance toward the inverted archbishops who proselytize expertise, overwhelmingly yet uselessly fragmented into the respective specialty fields of scientism. Its inverted ideological function is to human shield intellectual opinion, and thus the function of these artificial exaggerations thus serve to sway public opinion toward the favor of the insisted existence of the Zionist Israeli state during it’s pathologically unlawful occupation in the Middle East.

After the events of World War II, Israel was then to be wedged in like a brutalist shopping mall with rockets and guns, in order to aggressively occupy the Middle East, while being funded exclusively by the US taxpayer. That is why we are taught to read fake books, and thus tricked and lured into donating emotions into them.

During 2020, 2021, and 2022, the state of Israel performed extremely strict COVID lockdowns and were the first Western nation to roll out the poisons disguised as experimental covid vaccine shots. The public health campaign to fight a false virus had statist physicians and military personnel fight “the virus”, by performative germ games played against their own civilians at an authoritatively alarming rate, with extreme disregard for civilian consent. The rest of the Western world would quickly follow suit, for the United Nations would heavily invest in false pandemic normalizations and snake-like constrictive mitigations against the ability to freely travel or to allow room for a local business to keep their doors open. An added bonus, Israel was also the first nation in the Western world to roll out these mindbogglingly stupid booster shots, and implement them upon their own population. The entire campaign of the United Nations, Israel, Australia, Canada, the US Empire, the European Union, China, etc. have been exposed as being severely reminiscent of brutally subtle totalitarian fascism; which is all too similar to the Nazi state in which many of the aforementioned entities are highly reactionary against and defensively quick to condemn.

We are being introduced to synthetic government solutions introduced after any society has been subjected to the controlled demolition of economics. For so long as the civilian class are collectively convinced to ideologically seek the mitigation of empty space, the resulting constrictions will always produce totalitarian consequences. The perpetual lie with regard to public health will forever result in the perpetually formulaic and dialectical increases for centralized control by any given totalitarian government. Not only is insistence completely insufficient, but there exists absolutely no benefit for the worship of empty space, especially for that which has never been proven to even exist.

After the resignation of German President Von Hindenburg due to mysterious heart problems, Adolf Hitler ascended into a propagandized electoral victory with help of the invention of the home radio and politically decisive utility of the microphone. Pivoting from the fallout of World War I, Hitler played an inevitable pendulum swing as his message rewarded emotions of resentment and brought to surface the extensive economic grievances in a promise to restore order for the people of the Weimar Republic. However, it’s no wonder that this message was so attractive for nationalists of that time, for being subjected to the Treaty of Versailles after World War I would derail the economy for generations, if continued. Directly after the Reichstag fire event, seeming as the political underdog, Hitler emerged victorious from his prior second-in-command chancellery to become the new leader of Germany during the year 1933, and lasting until 1945.

The entire foundation of the “quarantine camps” were indeed completely unjustified, for they were built upon the false and highly coercive ideology of germ theory. Tracing back: one week after Hitler’s rise to power in 1933, Hitler declared a public health emergency against the disease mycobacterium tuberculosis. The emphasis was placed on “cleaning up the mess” by exterminating the bugs and rats from factories by using IG Farben cleansing agents such as Zyklon A. Zyklon A becomes Zyklon B; and it was not until after the war that we would be told stories about how Zyklon B was used as a poison gas against prisoners. Oddly enough, those who simply question this story are rapidly censored and purged from narrative credibility, which warrants it’s own expanse of suspicion altogether, especially due to its essence of philanthropic hearsay.

The pseudo-scientific mitigation processes of social distancing would target the civilian population by forcing them to wear yellow stars whenever freely walking about. SS checkpoints for medical paper analysis existed then as COVID vaccine checkpoints exist now. Medical screenings were used as a trick in order to perform discriminatory X-Ray device health screenings, and expansively pathological false claims of endemic contagions caused by the person-to-person transfer of those deemed genetically inferior by the state. In the name of Modern Science™, civilian patients were falsely diagnosed as spreaders of disease, amidst a compassion-driven campaign to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases was nothing more than a lie told to people by members of the state, and thus mass numbers of people were deemed undesirable; noted as “life unworthy of life”. To bend statistics in favor of the presuppositions of prejudiced Nazi virologists and scientists, the SS would pivot on the realm of public health to box in, wall off, and nationalistically expunge the deemed-undesirables from ordinary civilian life. This then produced another bias in the forged death certification through the sloppy signatures of ideologically vetted physicians, and experimental tuberculosis vaccination campaigns which functioned to sterilize the inoculated subject, or outright euthanize them. Genetic control, internment camps, and authoritative punishment to the civilian class would be further committed at the behest of the Nazi state.

Today, Zionism in Israel is no different, as evidenced by genocidal antifada events, false human shield stories told to it’s own civilians in the form of fabricated cartoons, permanent detention facilities for Palestinian civilians, with fierce apartheid walls snaking around Bethlehem and many other areas, Western intellectual propaganda, and the burning down of Palestinian olive groves during a completely unlawful occupation. The vampiric state exists on the polarized extremes of any ideologically possessed closed circle as its brutal totalitarian tendencies benefit directly from the collectively unconscious spiritual worship of empty space.

“Z’papers please!”

Chapter 4 of “Tuberculosis and War”: titled “Nazi Medicine, Tuberculosis and Genocide”

Deeper amidst this research, we encounter an inversion, by investigating what’s been left out of this story, or by analyzing the key points highlighting the monstrous acts by individuals during that time, and seeing if real life testimony lines up to such a contentious discourse.

From: “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”

Meanwhile, demagogic authors of “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, and the expansions of their insidious cult ritualistically enslaved its political marionettes thoughout the world, as its ideological expansion into statist totalitarianism simply played a highly destructive game of chess while pulling the strings on all sides of World War II; the Fascists, the Bolsheviks, the Communists, North Africans, the Allied Forces, the Japanese… by sheer force of crippled economics, propaganda control, and currency control.

The very simulated and insistent fabric of Pasteur’s germ theory is like a wobbly leg holding up the shaky foundation of a podium. This foundation is what these psychopaths need in order to control the world.

And I am here to end it.

Smoke and Mirrors

After the end of World War 2, the state of Israel was convened by the Allied Powers after the defeat of the Axis Powers. With mantras such as the necessity for “peacekeepers of the world” in order to prevent the advancement of an indiscriminate nuclear holocaust, the United Nations would form in the late 1950’s and would impose strict barriers upon any independent travel to the North Pole or Antarctica. The nuclear scare would ramp up divisions during the Cold War, but all land mass that was under fake red alerts became effective tax farms, for the synthesized reaction to an imaginary problem became a subconsciously taxable solution based on another false center of reason.

Take a look at these very recent photos, and please tell me with a straight face that the United Nations are somehow the “peacekeepers of the world”.

They’ll kill anyone who tries to effectively and sustainably grow their own food, and that’s the role they play here.

And this is why there has been such a high level of suppression towards agricultural solutions with regard to (a)ether electricity in the air and the integration of electroculture, for the Empire grifts and egoistically subsists through disruption of any bountiful harvest by artificially omitting any maximum potential of crops, all for the sake that the simulated scarcity of resources normalizes profit income for corporations and in consequence, calculated starvation en masse.

If the people and farmers once again integrated electroculture into the way we grow our food, we would never run out, for overpopulation is nothing more than an insistent myth. Gee, it sure would be a shame to these statist controllers if this book is somehow being written to equip all readers with any philosophical solutions against these ideological and nihilistic sales chops.


By deduction, we can see clearly that who benefits from the continued insistence of germ theory are totalitarian statists, but the substitution for that generalized insistence must reach it’s substance through what is left unspoken, left out, or censored from public perception. Extensively, we encounter that the germ theory is provably false, which leads us to seek more refined solutions from it’s source opposite; the terrain model. Given if germ theory held substance, we would have encountered this substance by now within any not false scientific experiment, however all foundation of it’s simulated substance completely crumbles and dissolves upon further investigation.

In 1954, John Enders aka “The Father of Modern Vaccines” admitted the following:

In the terrain model, we analyze the causes of disease being directly in alignment being the most obvious causation; unlike virology which proselytizes virus existence by means of insistence, we can find the causes of disease through intuition often using something measurable and testable, which can be detected with the five senses. From Walking Dead Season 9, Episode 8, Gabriel visits Negan’s prison cell to clean up his bedpan for waste. The conversation between Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) goes like this:

Negan: “You know I read something fascinating the other day. You know what a smell is? It’s when odor molecules activate neurons in your nasal passages; so, every time you come in here to change my bedpan, smell my shit… something that was actually in my ass goes right up your nose!”
Gabriel: “Shut up.”
Negan: “I'm sorry... Now, I never know exactly which eye I'm supposed to look at, it's a little bit distracting… “
Gabriel: “Just shut up for once in your life… Shut your damn mouth. I keep scratching at you… You're trying to figure out what's underneath it all, because I think if I dig deep enough… I'll find a person, someone I can help… But I never do. All I find is more…”
Negan: “What happened?”

We are not facing such a fabled phenomena as contagion, for this is a materialistic outsourcing for personal responsibility, externally projected towards the collective, in which these constricting ideals of uniformity serve only to benefit the state. Germ Theory is taught to us in schools, because the virus ideology that seems to attack at random generally perpetuates an unconscious servitude towards the archon entities of the state. None of this is about helping people, nor is it ever designed to do anything but mask symptoms and perpetuate dis-ease, as a means to sell simulated solutions. Its entire foundation is based in pseudoscience, for a virus has never once been proven to exist, and just like the “force” of gravity, only insisted upon by intellectuals and the statesmen they serve. Germ Theory further expands these endless fearful fictional narratives about how one can “catch” the virus from someone else, or that the virus can “get you.” This is all too similar to the stories told to children about Santa Claus and the lump of coal they would receive if they do not learn to behave before Christmas.

Australian naturopath Barbara O’Neill stated in a lecture:

“…we're also going to look at the Germ Theory, because they're all microorganisms.
There's a very famous scientist; he's a six times Professor, Antoine Béchamp, he was a contemporary at the time of Pasteur; most people have never heard of him. Why have we heard of Pasteur? Because he was a socialite, and he got a lot of media attention…
…and everyone liked his theory because he said, ‘You poor thing! When you get sick, it's not you… it's the germ that has jumped on you.”
Béchamp was not popular, because he said, ‘Microorganisms: they're in every cell of the body! There are 10 times more microorganisms in the body than cells… and when the body's running well, they contribute to the proper running of the cell.’
But whenever cell damage happens, these microorganisms have the ability to change roles. They are able to turn into something that we call the cleanup team.
A microbiologist said to me, ‘Oh, we call them the garbage collectors.’ What's their name? Their name is bacteria! That's their role on the planet. That's what they do, and the more cell damage, the more waste, the more bacteria.
With the floods that happened in Queensland last year, what was the biggest concern? It said on the television, ‘if you've got a cut or a grate, don't go in the water.’
Because what was the water alive with? Lots of this! Why? Because there was so much cell damage, there was plant death, there was animal, burn death, and they were all floating in the water! So there's a lot of bacteria.
As the environment changes, the bacteria now evolves into yeast fungus. We call this the exterminators, that's their role. That's what fungus are. As the environment changes, the yeast and fungus, they now change into, evolve into the undertakers. And what do undertakers do? They take away the dead things. What's their name? Mold.
That's what mold's role is on the planet, and not long after the mold stage, the matter is now brought back to dust.
What I have drawn for you here is the cycle of life. It's the carbon cycle. There's a basic law of science that states, ‘Nothing's created, and nothing's destroyed. It just changes form.’ These are the performers in the cycle of life. These are the players in the cycle of life; that's their role!
Florence Nightingale understood this very clearly. Antoine Beauchamp understood it very clearly… and both of them, amongst with also Claude Bernard, when they heard of Pasteur's Theory… they just thought, ‘this guy's crazy.’ This theory defies common sense!
As a gardener, I have three compost bins. Why do I have three? One I'm adding to, one is sitting, and one I'm taking from. What's happening in the one that I'm adding to? I'm putting all my breakdown from my food in there, and the little microorganisms that were once part of building up carrot, now that the damage has happened in death of the the carrot, now it starts to break down the carrot. The one that's sitting, I'm letting these microorganisms do their job; but in my garden, I had help, it's called worms.
And then the compost bin I'm taking from, I put the fork into it one day… It all breaks apart like beautiful dirt. All the matter has now been brought back to dust. Then I put that dust into my garden. What sort of a garden have I got when I have got compost in my garden? Amazing!
People used to say to me, ‘Why doesn't anything eat your cabbages?’ I said, ‘I don't know nothing does and there are little moths everywhere.’ Do you know a healthy strong plant body… Nothing eats it! Have you noticed? What you see in the garden is what you'll see in human beings.
One time, Antoine Béchamp took a dead cat, wrapped it up in an airtight container, and let it sit for four months. After four months, he came back, opened it, airtight container. What did he find? Dust! Maybe a few bones; takes a bit longer.
What brought cat back back to dust? The microorganisms that were part of living, running cat upon cell damage (and death is the ultimate cell damage) took their sort-of clothes off, so to speak, put their rubber gloves and apron on, and became the cleanup team; evolved into the exterminators, down to the undertakers. So by the time Antoine Béchamp opened his container, it was just dust!
With great excitement, he took the dust, put it under his microscope. What did he see in the dust? It was alive- with microorganisms! They'd finished their role, now they were waiting for their next role! You know, there's no waste in nature; if something dies, does it stay there? No, it all breaks down and goes back into dust.
What does the preacher say at the funeral? ‘Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.’ He's referring to what's going to happen to that dead body in the coffin; it's going to come back to dust.
Do you know what this means, ladies and gentlemen? The microorganisms that were part of running ancestors of ours are still here.
Nothing's created and nothing's destroyed.”

Rather than presupposing viral contagion as a proper demarcation for the transmissible cause of dis-ease, we again must look toward Béchamp’s terrain model for a more accurate and highly resonant viewpoint with regard to sympathetic resonance.

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Amandha Vollmer states the following:

“I experience sympathetic resonance all the time as a very empathic being, sitting and listening to someone’s story telling me for 45 minutes: birth to now. What’s gone on. What has happened. What illnesses and experiences they’ve had. And I’m putting myself in their shoes, in their position, so that I can understand what they’re saying. Always the client knows what’s wrong with them. And if you have ears to hear, then you will hear them tell you exactly what it is, and that’s the mark of a good practitioner. And you parrot it back, and you listen and ask them what they think it is, and a lot of them will be very close to the truth of what’s happening to them. It’s like the opposite of what most doctors do, they don’t listen to their patients at all. Amazing isn’t it? But you can, as an empath listening to a story, and embodying it in my imagination, I can begin to create a chemical cascade in my mind that actually affects me physically. I’ve had all sorts of experiences when clients are leaving and I feel their symptoms. It will fade over time, but what it tells me is that I can pick up symptoms that would have no relationship to any type of particle contagion whatsoever, like arthritis. And I can have their thing by my thinking, by my empathy. What’s happening is my field and their field are connected, and I am trying to resonate with them. I’m trying to be like them in my thinking. And my thoughts also can be read, as you know. We can read thoughts electrically, which means they have a pattern. So imagine you have a harmonious thinking moment, and you create a resonance field together. And you start vibrating together… What would happen? This is one way that we can be around someone and pick up something from them, or seemingly from them. But whose fault is it? Really. Whose fault is it? Well, it’s kind of your own thing, because you’re the one who resonated with them, you’re the one who listened, you’re the one who pulled it into your thinking, right? It’s not that it’s bad, it’s just… it’s not their fault. It’s not. You’re not a victim, right?”

Past life regressionist and hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon once stated in an interview:

“You’re not supposed to ever be sick. Never. The body is a miraculous machine that has been created to take care of itself and heal itself, if we don’t interfere. But you make yourself sick, and if the mind is powerful enough to make yourself sick, it’s also powerful enough to heal you. First we’ve got to find out why... Why did you do this to yourself? What were you trying to tell yourself? Every disease is the body talking to you.”

In the 2020 book “The Contagion Myth”, Thomas Cowan writes:

“(Louis) Pasteur did this type of experiment for forty years. He found sick people, claimed to have isolated a bacterium, gave the pure culture to animals—often by injecting it into their brains—and made them sick. As a result, he became the celebrity scientist of his time, feted by kings and prime ministers, and hailed as a great scientist. His work led to pasteurization, a technique responsible for destroying the integrity and health-giving properties of milk. His experiments ushered in the germ theory of disease, and for over a century this radical new theory has dominated not only the practice of Western medicine, but also our cultural and economic life.”

The claim regarding Foucault’s death is one slapped together by the Times UK, but as the objective narrative surrounding the terrain model unfolds into deeper dimensions of what is true, it becomes a bit more clear that the story seems completely false and holds no evidence whatsoever to its claim.

Much of his written work in the 1964 book “Madness and Civilization” completely acknowledges the truth in that contagion has never been proven to be the cause of disease.

It’s a sort of egoistic victory simulation for the ones who may smear this philosopher with a conclusive gravedance, for sake of compassionately inverting reality based on the hypothesis HIV = AIDS = DEATH. Upon further investigation, the oldest trick in the book reveals itself in the realm of poisons, as the virus narrative merely masks the substance of the issue.

Dr. Kary Mullis was a true scientist; he was the inventor of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test that technological marvel was thus inverted into a Russian roulette game of nasal poisons only shortly after his death in August of 2019. In this interview with Gary Null, Mullis completely unpacks the absolute fraud of modern science, exposes the insistent abuses of electron microscopy as being an ideological tool to benefit pharmaceutical/statist totalitarianism.

In 2021, Dr. Gary Null writes the following:

Pathogenic viruses do not exist as stated, and have never once been proven to be the cause of disease. He truthfully criticizes the very existence of poison injections. AIDS was created by poisons in both its tests and treatments such as AZT.

During his interview with Dr. Gary Null in 1996, Kary Mullis stated:

“The world health organization has totally messed up (so I mean) following the lead of the NIH…
…I read this article about it (sic) in “Nature” that just, i could not believe that it was in there. It had about about 10 or 15 doctors with their names on it; they study the prostitutes in some little eastern African country, right above Liberia, I forgot the name of it's a coastal country.
They had gone there five years before and found that 75 of the prostitutes were HIV positive. They predicted if they came back in five years, half of them would be dead, right? So, they come back in five years and there's no bodies to count. There were (sic) no dead prostitutes to to do autopsies on. They're still HIV positive according to their tests which there's cross-reactivity with all kinds of things.
And their conclusion in the paper was that when that should have told them right there, I said, ‘Wait a minute! HIV doesn't seem to be hurting these people.’
The conclusion was these people have got a, this is in ‘Nature’, a special strain of HIV; which number one, does not cause any disease; number two, it protects you from the strains that are rampant throughout Africa that do cause disease and we ought to study these people further because we might be able to develop a vaccine out of this.
That was published in Nature, and it is on it’s face. I mean, even a sixth grader, I think, looking at the logic there would say, ‘wait a minute, these guys… they… the emperor has no clothes. There's something seriously wrong with the mind of these people, you know. They come in with a conclusion and they just won't ever examine it. They don't, and when they see direct evidence that their conclusion is wrong, they just make up some ridiculous thing like that, and the WHO gives them money to come back there… And you know, they probably have nice hotels on the beach there… And doctors like to go on little vacations to collect blood things like that which don't take a lot of time and then take it back home and study it.”

All alphabet soup agencies are fraudulent and tend toward totalitarianism, as it harnesses energy toward pure ideologically possessed empty space.

Hear it directly from these pages of a book written by Dr Kary Mullis, brilliant scientist and inventor of the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, who passed in August of 2019, right before an ideological non existent particle would simulate a pandemic scenario via television later that year:

We are dealing with false diagnostics. Ask yourselves why people who push stories such as this HIV hoax cannot simply bring themselves to utter the easily pronounced word “poison” with their tongues.

I know why.

No virus has ever been proven to exist, for the perception of what’s observed is mistaken for its more truthful opposite: exosomes. The presupposition of virus existence is another deliberate inversion of the laws of nature; a banal, materialistic, corny sales chop, designed to upend more funding for worthless alphabet soup agencies such as the CDC.

Comedian and artist Nicole Arbour wrote:

“The grocery store that sells cancer causing foods asking me to donate $5 to the cancer association at checkout is wild.”

And it doesn’t stop at virus existence, because the health conspiracy railroads along to the realms of cancer. One should notice by now the concerted effort to “raise awareness” surrounding the issues of cancer, and by making false promises through Science™ to find an end to a problem generated entirely by poor dieting, inverted psychosomatics, distortions of frequency (microwave radiation), and simple poisons.

Wear this ribbon and run 15 miles so we can donate dimes to end these ailments through money. Get a high five, and feel proud of yourself. You’re helping us all beat cancer. Here, have a Gatorade, you deserve it.

Hey can I bum a smoke off ya? We should grab a quick bite to eat on the way home; maybe some fast food joint will do the trick. Afterward, let’s wash our dirty clothes with Tide laundry detergent, and if we get hungry again, we could microwave some Hot Pockets out of the freezer. Convenient!

In “The Atlantean Conspiracy”, Eric Dubay wrote:

“A bit of research and you will find that cancer, now killing 1 in every 3 Americans, is one of the biggest scams in medical history. Carcinogens are intentionally being put in your water, sodas, processed foods and pesticides to be sprayed on crops. The radiation and chemo “therapies” being used to treat cancer rarely work and always cause a multitude more health problems for the victim while financially draining them. The donation money and “charitable” organizations supposedly trying to help the cancer epidemic and find a cure are actually fueling the problem and spreading disinformation.
‘Rockefeller monies have been used to degrade natural prevention of sickness and disease through vitamins and health foods and promote the use of drugs. Drugs are manufactured mainly from coal tar derivatives and, besides being in the oil business, the family has for decades been heavily invested in the giant drug manufacturing concerns.’ —Gary Allen, “The Rockefeller File”

Once again, it’s the blatant lies of cartoon viruses such as these that are reinforced as a distracting hand against the true causes of disease and cancer. The subconscious acceptance of such a fiction manifests the situation, and poor health choices amplify and subsist the mind and body’s festering.

To learn more about the terrain model see the film below and enjoy the ride as the germ hypothesis proves itself false and insufficient.

Additionally, for those wanting something hands free and exclusive to audio format, a full interview with me was conducted on a most excellent podcast fairly recently. The topic was “Germ vs. Terrain Theory”, on the Unearthing 5d Reality podcast featuring my friends Kaleb and Darik. Kaleb also makes an appearance in the third section of my film titled “Vanishing Point”.

I’ve stated before that pathogens are the source code of totalitarianism, but the only pathogen floating around is a pathogenic lie about something completely non-existent. The absence of a pathogenic virus as a cause of disease should otherwise be great news, however who benefits from this insistence? Why would the Rockefeller Foundation have philanthropic interests in the medical system? How did John D. Rockefeller become a billionaire? Was it from oil? Yes. It was oil, in order to siphon energy systems through meters. This electricity is a poison electricity, but its complex processes are highly profitable for the archons who simulate dominance with use of this abhorrently unaesthetic industry. This whole thing is very simple.

“We are here to help move society forward”
This is what happens when you click “About Us” on a Reuters Fact Check article.

Those still defending germ theory at this point have run out of excuses, and need to pivot away from this ideological horseshit. The consequences and trade-offs that come attached with this compassionate worship of empty space is in no way worth the ensuing statist totalitarianism that congruently unfolds with it’s falsely simulated pathogenic stress at a 1:1 ratio. In this case, ignorantly human shielding for philanthropists and oligarchs holds absolutely no substance to it’s meaningless actions or lack thereof.


It should be obvious at this point that someone figured out how to get outrageously wealthy at the expense of detail and aesthetics. What cannot be sieved and controlled, is not scarce, and in this case, that free and infinite energy would be the clear, testable, and deductive evidence of the existence of ether energy that permeates us. Economics thrive for the distributor of any resource that can be simulated as scarce. Follow the white rabbit, Alice...

Zoinks, Scooby Doo! I wonder who could possibly be behind all these shenanigans?!

Gee, I wonder what’s being hidden down there under all that mud? Why, it must be a palace-floor-shaped dinosaur bone! Best guess so far is that this palace-floor-shaped dinosaur bone was also covered up by the debris that was totally kicked up by that menacing asteroid which wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago… That asteroid, it’s destructive impact and every scruple of information regarding it has been looked over and confirmed by the general consensus of Science™. We present to you the palace-floorasaur.

Here’s another interesting dinosaur we found under all that mud. It’s shaped like a priceless artifact, but make no mistake, this is a dinosaur bone. Trust the Science™.

Entertainer and video artist Shadrach Pennant intriguingly states:

“So you want to know more about the mudflood? That’s good. That’s real good. Alright, listen to this. So the mudflood was a catastrophic event that happened roughly 150 years ago, wiping out many civilizations and burying many buildings under mud.
Many ancient structures we see today was once buried. All over the world, you can find these buried structures, and we literally had to dig them out from the mud. And every now and then, we stumble across sinkholes uncovering buried buildings; and this is the reason why so many buildings have windows partly buried in the ground.
If you notice with this one, the windows get smaller and smaller…
And sometimes you see buildings with windows like this…
Trust me, that’s not a basement…
…Because if you keep digging, you’ll see the original front door.
Oh my days!
So anytime you come across buildings like this, you’re dealing with mudflood.”

Ah, but your eyes deceive you. Here, we have uncovered another ancient-building shaped dinosaur bone.

Leave this work to the paleontologists. There is really nothing for you to see here.

Scientists have just confirmed another fossil from a Repairosaur, also known as the Dewaltosaurus.

With the help of carbon dating, we can confirm that this artifact is several million years old.

Another coincidence from these old war forts.

A practical measurement of aesthetics can be channeled through intuition.

As a drummer, I know that the repetitive meditation of practice sharpens the blade, but practice and rehearsal requires a wide array of intuited perspective and a series of private, testable experiments, before going out to perform for others. The higher the quality of the experiment, the higher the quality of performance, whenever describing and mirroring reality through a series of conspired (or improvised) vibrations. High resolutions of truth can be detected and communicated by removing the false, and allowing what is true to simply remain and speak for itself.

Let’s take a closer look at some old world architecture.

We are led to believe that these temples, cathedrals, mosques, and castle structures of the old world were of religious significance. We are told the bells were used to help people go to church on time.

However, ask yourself if you really believe that what you’re seeing in this photograph was actually built by using artificial levees, ropes, donkeys, and primitive mud wagons. Do you really believe that the high aesthetic detail was put together by tedious manual sculpting?

In the book “Madness and Civilization”, Michel Foucault wrote:

“Even cases of frenzy were cited as having been cured by music. Now, such observations were never meant to suggest psychological interpretations. If music cured, it was by acting upon the entire human being, by penetrating the body as directly, as efficaciously as it did the soul: did not Diemerbrock know of people stricken with the plague who had been cured by music? Doubtless most people no longer believed, as Giambattista della Porta still did, that music, in the material reality of its sounds, afforded the body the secret virtues hidden in the very substance of the instruments, no longer believed, as he did, that lymphatics were cured by “a lively air played on a holly flute,” or that melancholics were soothed by “a soft air played on a hellabore flute,” or that it was necessary to use “a flute made of larkspur or iris stemps to cure impotent and frigid men.” But if music no longer transmitted the virtues sealed in substances, it was efficacious upon the body because of the qualities it imposed upon it. It even constituted the most rigorous of all the mechanisms of quality, since at its origin it was nothing but movement, whereas once it had reached the ear it immediately became qualitative effect. Music’s therapeutic value occurred because this transformation was undone in the body, quality there re-decomposed into movements, the pleasure of sensation became what it had always been: regular vibrations and equilibrium of tensions. Man, as unity of soul and body, followed the cycle of harmony in a reverse direction, redescending from the harmonious to the harmonic. In him, music was decomposed, but health restored.”
Michel Foucault

James W. Lee wrote:

“There is ample evidence that points to the architects of the these cathedrals having knowledge of cymatics, and possibly the healing power of sound long before modern scientists did. Choirs, pipe organs, and the architecture itself may have literally been healing church attendees for centuries. The subntle energy of spaces is not limited to churches either, every natural and man-made structure emits its own subtle energetic frequency that we are inadvertently influenced by.”
“Cathedral” definition
“Cathedral” wiki results.

But where does the word “Cathedral” really come from?

The “Order of the Illuminati” was established in the year 1776. This secretive order was authored in by a German philosopher named Adam Weishaupt.

Adam Weishaupt wrote:

“Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible, and if once a man has taken into his head that there is a mystery in a thing, it is impossible to get it out either by argument or experience. And then, we can so change notions by merely changing a word.”

Old world architecture so perfectly and efficiently crafted that it matches the visual aesthetic patterns of CYMATICS.

But what on Earth has happened to all of the bells?

A conquered and fragmented bell.

And now, let’s take a closer look at a massive wasteland of disposable bells captured from the late 19th century and early to mid 20th century.

What you are witnessing is a deliberate mass disposal of aesthetic frequency, to be replaced with the viscous black blood of the Earth.

I know why they got rid of the bells

Zetetic philosopher and video artist Jake Castrey writes:

“This is just one of the reasons why they removed the bells during World War 2. The old world knew the healing properties of frequency and vibration…
…and that wouldn’t do for this New World Order we have.
We must remain dependent on the petroleum-based medications that are prescribed to us… the addictive and deadly… with many side effects.
But there was a better way.
As Tesla once said, ‘If you want to know the secrets of the universe, you must think in terms of frequency and vibration.”
Just one more thing lost to us in our hidden history.
Research the mudflood and fall of Tartaria. Dig up our past. Question everything, friends.”

But isn’t modern technology so wonderful? What cool devices we get to use.

It is likely that while you are reading this, that you are currently staring at an inverted portal that is sourced from dirty electricity. You plug it in to charge its battery, right? That socket has a meter that produces a power bill. Qui bono?

But what is a portal? Allow me to show you an example of one today.

Magic mirror on the wall… Who’s the fairest one of all?

Atmospheric Dispersion

The Third Hermetic Principle of Vibration states:

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”

-The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the truth that "everything is in motion"; "everything vibrates"; "nothing is at rest"; facts which Modern Science endorses, and which each new scientific discovery tends to verify. And yet this Hermetic Principle was enunciated thousands of years ago, by the Masters of Ancient Egypt. This Principle explains that the differences between different manifestations of Matter, Energy, Mind, and even Spirit, result largely from varying rates of Vibration. From THE ALL, which is Pure Spirit, down to the grossest form of Matter, all is in vibration—the higher the vibration, the higher the position in the scale. The vibration of Spirit is at such an infinite rate of intensity and rapidity that it is practically at rest—just as a rapidly moving wheel seems to be motionless. And at the other end of the scale, there are gross forms of matter whose vibrations are so low as to seem at rest. Between these poles, there are millions upon millions of varying degrees of vibration. From corpuscle and electron, atom and molecule, to worlds and universes, everything is in vibratory motion. This is also true on the planes of energy and force (which are but varying degrees of vibration); and also on the mental planes (whose states depend upon vibrations); and even on to the spiritual planes. An understanding of this Principle, with the appropriate formulas, enables Hermetic students to control their own mental vibrations as well as those of others. The Masters also apply this Principle to the conquering of Natural phenomena, in various ways. "He who understands the Principle of Vibration, has grasped the sceptre of power," says one of the old writers.

One may ask how to witness examples of force as applied to natural law, and for this it’s particularly useful to provide examples of it being used in this dimension we occupy.

Example 1: When a baseball bat successfully hits a baseball, the result is a speculatively satisfying impact that cleanly sends the ball airborne, and at the best of times, results in an automatic home run for the batter, scoring 1-4 points for the team on offense. What’s occurring is the swing of the dense matter in the baseball bat weapon is effectively smashing into the dense matter of a rapidly traveling baseball, dissipating energy into a force that sends the baseball flying into an equal and opposite reaction to the impact point of the bat. The trajectory of the ball is to be slanted at both the angle in which it hit the rounded mainframe of the bat, and the angle in which the bat is slanted when it’s quickly wrapping around the player.

This is fairly easy to understand.

Example 2: In tennis, a flat racket manipulates a lighter-weighted green ball over a net, where the strategic force applied to the tennis ball can have two players dueling and dancing with the forceful impacts of the ball. The duel between these tennis players interests viewers for it’s a rapid oscillation of force and energy transfer, where force is the ball hitting the tennis racket, and the energy would be the ball itself multiplied by what the ball is doing.

To keep the game interesting, a net is introduced between the two players, in order to define limitations to the game, and keep the size of the court measured to the reasonably agreed upon size of average human anatomy.

Example 3: It’s important here to note that we could still shrink this entire phenomena into a game of ping pong, where the paddle is much smaller than the tennis racket, and the ping pong ball is much smaller than the tennis ball, thus shrinking the height and size of the net, and thus shrinking the playing court down to the size of a large table, and finally raising it to a regulated standing height that’s based on human anatomy.

Example 4: It’s even more interesting to see the martial artist Bruce Lee pull off a game against professional ping pong players with a simple set of nunchakus, as he is further limited with a rounded impact point just like the baseball bat, and with much less surface area than the ping pong paddle...

This is all fairly easy for anyone to understand.

In other words, baseball, tennis and ping pong are all dualistic experiments with testable foundations in the physics of objective truth. The art of competition amplifies the interest for referential foundation within this physical truth, thus making all of this fairly easy to understand. The pattern set by these phenomena are then set for the course of obtuse theoretical speculation.

"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."

-The Kybalion (Principle VI- The Principle of Cause and Effect)

Did you?

Some modern quantum mechanics type thinkers in physics and modern astronomy describe a phenomena such as the Conservation of Angular Momentum to assist with describing the equal and opposite reactions to respectively spinning opposite particles that are instantaneously responding in relationship to one another from some impactful force or binding element existing in between them (or also the lack thereof). A very simple and thus, a great example of this is briefly demonstrated by a physics professor:

However, what is not testable, not easily repeatable, and not tangibly observable would require the micro-manipulation of extremely surreal mathematical derivations of time and duration based in theories backed by chalkboards or computer models.

This is replicated toward the microscopic bandwidth of frequency that communicates the respective particles to one another faster than the disclaimed speed of light; all of this to be insisted to us as sacrosanct truth, given if the particles proposed by Bohr’s atomic model even have been proven to exist. It is within the strict limitations of scientific method itself that can only prove things as either wrong or not yet proved wrong. The atom has never been shown, however its structure and components have been only scientifically deduced into a remainder. The center of mass of the atomic model, and thus our shared reality, is recklessly presupposed to be bound together by laws of gravitation that have never been proven to exist in any testable experiment.

Everything is electrostatic, with cartooned illusions insisting to us that we are living on something that is in motion.

“This planet goes this way… That rocket goes that way,:
I think I know why it’s an “L”.
The helical model of our solar system.

Ask yourself this. Are you in motion right now?

In his 2017 book titled “The Alchemical Tech Revolution”, Wayne McRoy wrote:

“Quantum entanglement can be described as physical phenomenon that occurs when groups of particles act in a way in which they can not be described independently of the others.
They mirror each other’s properties and functions as a system, even at great distances from each other. They function more like a wave than a particle, even when separated.
They also function simultaneously regardless of distance, creating an interesting paradox in thought. This denotes no time separation between these particles, which leads to some interesting theoretical concepts.”

The theory itself is not the issue, for the theory retains some semblances of potentially useful sensibility, but the issue at hand is in the sheer absence of observable experiment that can be easily measured, as it’s frequently substituted for cartoons. Quantum examples outright disregard distance, duration, and frequently use hypothetical models, for the presupposition to be questioned here would be the pivot from “the speed of light” itself, as what seems to be a distracting hand in a clever illusion. Someone aboard the International Space Station might illustrate their proof for this phenomena by being spun at the hands of an assistant in Zero-G and doing several back-flips for everyone on Earth to see, by means of openly broadcasting it without sound.

Can anyone address why this live-streamed NASA video has no sound attached to its supposed proof for displaying the conservation of angular momentum? It’s not the hypothesis that is at stake here, but it is in the experiment itself which begs the question. This exact problem appears throughout all other space agency live-streams.

I know why there’s no sound on this particular video. Do you?

First, let’s use a real world example so that we can observe how when anyone is on a Zero-G airplane, the sound of a loud turbine engine can be clearly heard in the background. Here is an example of a typical Zero G flight. Notice the sound of turbine engines in the background dominating the audio mix:

Whenever we find extensive tours through the ISS, the roaring sound of what sounds exactly like a Zero-G airplane engine is very loud in the background, and also dominates the audio mix. Here is an example:

Here is another example, where our tourist’s hair is clearly free flowing during a tour of a very noisy ISS, with turbine engines in the background that sound much like the turbine engines of Zero G airplanes:

However, any time you see someone in the ISS with hair spray in their hair, it’s like some absolutely correlative magic, in that the hair spray somehow manages to silence the monstrous turbine jet engines in the background of the International Space Station. That must be some pretty incredible hair spray for it to somehow magically absorb and mute all those turbine engine sounds anytime it gets wafted into the hair of one of these geniuses.

“See the hair?”
From a Zero G airplane.
Hair is free-flowing.
“I think Sandy’s hair is pretty much a dead giveaway.”

Exceptions to this rule would apply to whenever the footage is not obviously live-streamed (with Q&A’s and false delays of transmission), but rather controlled in the realm of post-script editing, the sound of the turbine engine once again mutes, simply because what we are seeing is theatrically staged, in order to further confuse viewers into accepting their claims as truthful, when it’s clearly not, upon closer investigation. Here are two examples:

But unlike the marionetted insistence of modern astronomy’s fragmented green screen technologies and windowless tours through the interior of a Zero G airplane that’s purported to be the International Space Station, let me provide some examples of equal and opposite reactions as something very simple and fairly easy to understand. Allow for my suggestion towards observing a very still body of water, like a pond, or a bathtub, for those are actually accessible and testable. Drop a stone into it and observe waves of water traveling in equal and opposite reactions from the impact source of the stone’s connection to the target water. The point here is that the waves of water traveling outward are not things, but they are what the water is doing. Massive captures of energy and true power come from harnessing the polarization of this type of dissipating energy; in other words, “force”.

But even if we circumvent this phenomena and simplify it down to a bathroom mirror, or a reflection, we see a reflection instantaneously. It responds instantly as a shape or a rate of induction, but we are told by modern astronomy and thus by their marionettes of the modern education system that the image we see in a mirror is late by an estimated 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001% of an absolute instant, rather than it simply being an instantaneous reflection. The public’s understanding of the quantum theorists or the works of Albert Einstein would describe light as having a speed whatsoever that travels from Source A to Target B, no matter the distance it is needed to travel, for its speed times distance would theoretically help determine its time of arrival. This postulates a disconnect from the subject to the object, by fragmenting our perception and its relationship to this bandwidth of frequency that we actually occupy. More on that later in the chapter titled “Maligned Hubris Schema”.

Any case can be simplified with easy to digest mathematics, such as using rational numbers in order to construe a point far more succinct, in order to match the aesthetics of sacred geometry, as opposed to the deliberate confusion presented by the fragmented occlusion of theoretical astrophysics. Physics can call upon mathematics to produce the general number in order to best display the phenomena of equal and opposite reactions occurring due to a given force. Here is a simple mathematical example:

In his 1917 book “Engineering Mathematics”, Charles Proteus Steinmetz wrote:

Absent from exhaustive sophistry, these words by C.P. Steinmetz remain fairly easy for most to understand, for that sheer simplicity is necessary in order to alleviate any overwhelming instances of deliberately installed confusion by those who seek to dominate our perceptions by masking over digestible astronomy through the gate-kept means of more antiscience insistence and pathological inversions. With that, I seek to render the theoretical speed of light back into its own inevitable obsolescence by challenging these fictional claims with the help of three fictional comic book characters:

—Frieza from Dragonball Z
—Superman from DC Comics
—Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen.

So, let’s pretend you are Superman and you’re somehow friends with Dr. Manhattan and Frieza. What you all have in common is that you all could easily breathe in the vacuum of space without consequence, Superman can travel very quickly, and Dr. Manhattan can instantaneously teleport to anywhere he wants to go. Your resources are that you are all loaded with Batman’s money and seemingly infinite resources to use as tools to assist your very simple experiment. The experiment that’s ahead of the three of you is to see if it can be proven that light has a speed, or if light travels whatsoever, and if the Einsteinian hypothesis can stand up to experiment itself.

The question here is, if light did have a speed, what experiment would you three fictional characters who can all breathe in space attempt to perform in order to prove that light has a speed whatsoever? If it were me, I’d place a large source of light such as a mirror or a laser with a simple switch over on the planet Mars, or even just the moon and I’d rig it up with clocks that start at the exact same time before they were separated. With some brilliant minds, I’d find the time of day to shine or reflect the light or laser from Mars to a target source on Earth. I could probably ask Dr. Manhattan for help, he would know all about how to do this, being his father was a watchmaker. The clocks would be down to the millisecond, and the entire experiment would be captured with several 4K cameras, slow motion captures, and I would record both my hand flipping the light switch, and simultaneously talking over all the raw audio of the cameras to prove my case as being in sync with the experiment. The same camera setup would be on Earth to capture the light from its mirrored source, and all would be rigged up with clocks and cool capturing devices. On Earth, we would have nothing to hide, as we would allow full transparency to the public with regard to the experiment and the results we could possibly generate.

My next question is: has any experiment like this ever been done once ever?

The local Science™ museum claims to prove their case below, and even used this experiment to use as confirmation that the moon is definitely 238,441 miles away from Earth.

But if this contraption had to be placed on the moon in order to confirm it’s purported distance away from the Earth, how was it that space agencies were ever able to land on the moon?

These pseudo-scientific experiments are distracting hands and do not prove the case whatsoever. Insufficient, to say the least.

It is omitted from our textbooks altogether that light is instantaneous, and thus this insistence that it takes 8 minutes for it to arrive on Earth from the Sun then splinters our own ability to harness and connect with it. We are also told that looking into the Sun, or studying it with filters could be very dangerous for our eyes. We are insisted upon to believe that light travels and modern astrophysicists have decidedly proven this, but just like fossil fuels and the existence of dinosaurs, this is all without experiment, and its masking of transparency and unending non-negotiability is completely gate-kept from the public, and substituted with chalkboards of illusions. “It’s best not to touch the radioactive bones”.

“Wake up, Mr. Green”

The point I’m making here is that I do not believe that light has a speed at all, for it is a simple electromagnetic rate of induction. The hypothesis of quantum entanglement is still somewhat useful in this sense by utility of illustrations to describe the angular momentum of respective particles, however the disconnect and the expiration of quantum physics becomes inevitable as a dead philosophy as soon as one contends with the idea that light does not have a speed, just like acceleration does not exist, it is just what something does. A wave does not exist, it is what something does. A force, whether pushing or pulling, is not a thing in itself, but it is a simple dissipation of energy. Atoms have been deduced on chalkboards and models, but the extensive sophistry building on Bohr’s atomic model continues to fragment reality by walling off particles into respective specialty fields. Duality to mask over oneness.

One into two.
The lion tamer uses the legs of the barstool to distract the lion’s perception, keeping the lion overwhelmed, occupied and tamed.

Duality is to fragment one into two, thus making the target victim more easily manipulated. Think of its function to be like a shadow, where it’s useful for creative illusions, however it does not exist whatsoever, for it is a privation of light. It’s very non-existence is necessary in order to provide dimension to what light is. Substance, sound, light, the tangible mass of objects do observably exist, but require the space in between the objects to give the objects value at all. The privation of substance is necessary in order for the substance to be valuable whatsoever. Large and pathological lies arguably become unconsciously justified as a necessary dimension, for it all holds utility to increase the value for the truth in which the lies are masking over. Good stories are told with the utility of massive tricks and misdirection, illusions and highly calculated chess moves within its expositional framework in order to resolve its setup with a payoff of the layered peeling away of lies in order to shift consciousness somewhere closer to the simultaneously necessary truth. A perfect example of this would be in Alexandre Dumas’ “The Count of Monte Cristo”, where every setup has an immensely rewarding payoff, with a down-turning of immeasurable suspension and occulted decisions. Edmond Dantes is wrongfully framed by a resentful cabal of ego-enslaved individuals and unfortunately finds himself in a dungeon for a surreal amount of time. As we traverse each page of this arc, things get unimaginably worse for our character than the previous page. It is through that imprisonment of pathological lies where his mind becomes compressed by the sheer force of the ephemeral situation, and thus his mind’s blade is unconsciously sharpened to its utmost spiritual refinement. This depth of experiencing unfathomable privation provides dimension for the remainder of the story to unfold and swing into its utmost magnificence.

In contrast to this, if the great truths of things be outright told like a loudmouthed “tattle tale” schoolmate in preschool, the mystery and awe would then be subtracted of its very own intrigue. Often, if the truth of every single motion be monitored and surveilled to benefit constrictive governments and authority figures, this is just being a narc, an unintuitive idiot, or a brown-nosing snitch.

An example of where excesses of truth can stagnate all forms of progress or momentum would go something like this:

<Clarence and Jim K Logan are acquaintances who work together somewhere.>
Clarence: “Wow, it’s great to see you out, how was your day?”
<*Clarence and Jim K. Logan shake hands with one another*>
Jim K. Logan: “Thanks for asking. So this morning I woke up with a sore shoulder, but I think I’ll be able to work it out with a tennis ball today. Fingers crossed! So today, the first thing I did was put my left foot on the floor first, for it was not my right foot at all, and that’s a strong start for me to get moving and get about my day… I read somewhere in a news article that putting your left foot on the floor might help get the blood moving better!”
Clarence: “Oh okay, well thanks for shari…”
Jim K. Logan: “…but then I went downstairs, right after I put my socks on, and found that I’m going to run out of coffee grounds in three days, so wow, that reminds me, that it’s important for me to pick that up today. Coffee grounds. Anyways, the weather is nice today, didn’t hear about any accidents on the highway from the radio while I was on my way to work, so that’s good. The sky is blue today, as it is every day, and tomorrow it will be blue. Also, I had time to make an egg and cheese sandwich on whole wheat toast this morning. It was a good sandwich. After that sandwich and coffee, I really had to take a shit, so I did. Then you won’t believe what happened, I had shit all over my ass and I could not find the toilet paper, so I went and found the news article about putting my left foot on the floor first, and used that to wipe my ass! What’s worse, is after this, I ran out of hand soap! Oh that reminds me, that while I’m out, I need to pick up toilet paper so I can wipe my ass a little more. I’ll grab that, some hand soap, AND the coffee grounds! Ha ha ha!”
<Horrified by this excess of truth, Clarence more deeply investigates his right hand. Psychosomatics kick in, he begins to sweat nervously, as he can faintly smell his own hand that shook Jim K. Logan’s hand. This is an unbelievable obtrusion upon whatever day he would have otherwise had.>
Clarence: “Alright Jim wow, thanks for sharing? S..s.s.sssounds good, dude. Gotta run now. I’ll see you at work.”
Jim K. Logan: “I also saw some quick one-minute psychology/motivation video that helped me realize that sometimes when you put in those extra few hours at work, your paycheck will reflect that with more money! We gotta make that paper! Ha Ha Ha !”
<Clarence begins to consider a physical redistribution of this unfathomable psychosomatic pain by wondering what it would feel like to gouge his own eyeball out and throw it at the wall.>
Jim K. Logan: “I’ve really had some excellent results from Alpha Brain, which I heard Joe Rogan talking about this. Scientists developed a solution in pill form that can really help get the brain moving better in the heat of the moment. Testimonial after testimonial occurs and all have been proven to confirm this! I can order some for you if you want to try it out next time we work together! We can really use this to make even more money!”
Clarence: “Thanks Jim, I think I’m okay, I don’t need pills.”
Jim K. Logan: “I really need to go take a shit again! Ha ha ha! See you at work buddy!”
…A week later, there’s a lot of buzz in the air, with a long-awaited depth-filled intrigue for a cool sequel of a popular new science fiction movie series. This mythological masterpiece would release to the public on a Thursday, and Clarence has a ticket to see it on Sunday. The day after Thursday, would be Friday, and Jim K. Logan comes barreling into work after having been the first to see it, raving about every detail of this film, and then retelling the story about using the left foot first article to wipe the shit out of his ass, and nudging at Clarence to help normalize it for everyone else to digest. He tells everyone at work about all the hilarious punchlines of the movie by re-enacting the scenes by himself, sharing who dies in the film, and how or why it all happens. He completely spoils the myth and deflates intrigue, because he is addicted to online click-bait and just could not help himself, for he is reflecting the garbage he psychologically ingests. You see however, he isn’t lying at all, but rather, he is pronouncing the truth of this mysterious masterpiece from the rooftops! He is the most positive guy! He smiles a lot, laughs at nearly everything in any small talk conversation, and could never do anything psychopathic, right? RIGHT?!?!

The hyper-saturation of excessively unnecessary and completely egoistic self surveillant truths of various things become meaningless and emulsified into the abyss of a postmodern void. This tactic berates the listener with cluttered information and repels them away from getting suckered into small talk, for the actual risk that this extremely truthful personality might blab on and ruin a cool movie that he definitely had the time to see before anyone else. The value of truth gets the air pissed out of its tires and then becomes like another corny billboard or advertisement, without any setup, occlusion or mystery to assist it along the way.

Imagine the billboard would just openly inform people who are driving down a highway of something they may already know, such as “The sky is blue. Have a good day!” The truth would be absent of transcendent value, for it would lack dimension, and would be absent of its effective revelatory momentum. Whoever made this billboard seems to be thinking that people are not aware that the sky is blue, and the repeated testaments of reassuring the public with this obvious statement would lose it's angle (force), and people would likely tire out from seeing these signs (energy), which speaks to the people as if they don’t already know that the sky is blue. Why not just let the sky be blue and have it speak for itself? Is the reminder necessary whatsoever? As a metaphor in this paragraph, it is useful. In some other cultural or real world possibilities of a society being subsumed by ideology, it would become necessary.

I will explain this contrary necessity for stating that the sky is blue, for when any subject or group of subjects are forced to exist within the normalized presence of a totalitarian society. Such as seen in George Orwell’s “1984”, we see a society normalizing the absolute inverse of truth, and shifting societies of people into strict uniform pseudo-realities by enforcing created lies as truth via totalitarian information warfare. The goal of the state in this sense is to keep people walled off from one another and into grid-like patterns of strict uniformity, for their individual moral stances would become fragments of Solipsistic world-views masked over by an advent of nihilism and rendered into disempowerment by moral relativity; “to each their own…", as they like to say. The function here is to completely disintegrate any sort of unifying truth of natural law from the masses, as a means to maintain the power balance in favor of The Empire. In this case, if we were inside of that novel “1984”, we might likely find billboards that read, “The sky is green! Pay your taxes, or else.” At that point, the negative energy surrounding this broadly accepted pathogenic lie allows dimension for some critical thinker to come around and question this “green sky” normalization.

The empire fears philosophers.

Thus it is at this point that the simplified emphasis upon dispelling a principled statement for one to openly state “the sky is blue” becomes valuable, however provocative, for it’s become the unconscious public opinion that was swaggered into believing that the sky is green, specifically due to the censorial absence of truthful exposition. The utility of this type of deception intentionally works to keep people perpetually lost and hopelessly meandering through the system as efficient cogs of the status quo machine. Stating that the sky is blue would become critically necessary at that point in time. It is with the dimensions provided by what is a lie, or an anti-truth, that the perpetual empty space then elicits value for the substance of the truth upon questioning, and thus revelation. Think of the process like a battery, where the negative charge in the battery cell is necessary in order to harness energy for the positive charge applied.

Carl Jung wrote:

“The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside as fate. That is to say, when the individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner opposite, the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposing halves.”

But when the negative (evil) or positive (good) become isolated, and by means of media control or statist propaganda, it is then pried apart from their respective opposites, the result becomes an arc of sheer disempowerment of the psyche, thus the self becomes under siege. Excesses of inherent goodness render the self into cowardice by accepting the status quo of materialistic reward systems for the tradeoff of fiefdom and destructively obtuse levels of taxation, thus creating the evil opposite through capitulation and ideological compliance. This is why Carl Jung urged the necessity for the integration of these psychic opposites, as one should “integrate the shadow”. Just like its counterpart negative, or evil in this sense, excessive toxic positivity operates to mask over and dismiss the annuls of evil altogether. This in turn produces insidious utopian humbug that retains the pathogen necessary in order to place a welcoming red carpet for insistent demagogues or totalitarian statesmen to lead them all straight off a cliff. For example: Jonestown, Guyana and Jim Jones’ Kool-Aid stunt.

The circle here becomes closed, pathogens are once again the source code of totalitarianism, but material pathogens do not exist, as they have never been empirically proven to exist. It is the artificial insistence of their unsubstantiated existence which form metaphorical pathogens in spirit and psychosomatics thus engulfing human minds into the grasp of psychopaths and lying statesmen who function to serve the end product of exterminating them using anything from the poisons of geoengineering, to brutalist quarantine facilities to “mitigate” the false contagion, often caused by the preventative treatments. Polio was created by spraying DDT onto populations of people, and was eradicated by the cessation of this extremely pathological activity. This cultish psychological striving and its unsubstantiated promises of total empty space even had demagogues occlude their lies by leading their followers toward becoming coerced and forced at gunpoint into one-at-a-time drinking lethally poisonous Kool-Aid. The maintenance of surrealist ideology requires an insistent mask of artificial smoke and mirrors. Trust the science, right?

You see, maybe you were at work or scrolling through the filters of social media, or getting drunk during the day that these “scientists” decided to once again “turn on” their 27-kilometer-in-circumference CERN machine in Switzerland, also known as the Large Hadron Collider.

On CERN’s website, it is stated at the beginning of the second paragraph: “two high-energy particle beams travel at close to the speed of light before they are made to collide.” This is where the claimed usage for this massive totalitarian weapon eats itself and festers upon its own shaky foundation, as we are coming face to face with another corny sales chop of needless taxation, equipped with a pathologically ulterior motive.

If the CERN weapon does anything, it’s utility would be something similar to Riddler’s 3D TV box from the 1995 film Batman Forever.

The reality here becomes inversely proportionate to my previously mentioned fictional insistence about the sky being green. Nature becomes masked by the illusions of our shared simulacrum in its being adjusted to fit the very silly claim that the sky is green. In some areas of the world, the statement “the sky is green” was not actually false on July 5th, 2022, as it matched objective observation.

It wasn’t green everywhere, for there was a spectrum across the realm, as I was looking out my window that day in Minneapolis, where I personally saw the sky being a bright orange yellow. Here, I captured this footage myself, using the readily accessible consumer optics of an iPhone camera.

However, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the sky was green.

Fellow Midwesterner Jake Castrey shared this information on Telegram, regarding the events of Sioux Falls, SD on July 5, 2022. Let’s take a look at his wonderful exposition.

Minneapolis, MN in 2017

That metastatic totalitarian world with a strange green sky… We’ve been in it this entire time. Distortions upon nature can be considered a mission accomplished for these hubris-driven demagogues of The Science™; that is, UNLESS there is something being hidden from the public regarding the sudden changing colors in the sky, and someone would like to predict these occurances like clockwork, and thus simulate their tools effectiveness. It would make for an elaborate con.

I question the function of the machine as one that collides particles whatsoever. Not only has the speed of light never been actually proven, but the isolation of particles in Bohr’s atomic model has never once occurred in nature, despite the propaganda. More on this later.

However temporarily useful it was, that model was built on something entirely theoretical. There’s nothing wrong whatsoever with one having a theory or any estimated hypothesis, but the insistence of it’s simulated existence is the main issue here, as it is looking more and more like another set of smoke and mirrors for something else being occulted in plain sight. My point, is that this is not random, nor is it an accidental side effect of clashing atoms.

My friend Stephanie states:

“CERN is just another nothingburger of scientism. It’s a scary weapon that grafts for taxes and scares the shit out of people.”

When she laid this out for me, I found myself resonating with this statement quite well, and feel inclined to accept this. Neutrally speaking, either someone is orchestrating this event on purpose, or these are events that take place in nature over long periods of time, and the ones with a large machine set their date in order to simulate efficacy. I suppose it’s possible to find out, because this is not the first time this has occurred. Weather modification in general is an undeniable truth regarding governments and corporations micromanaging and adjusting nature.

Where’s the best place for an opponent to hide?

“Wake up, Mr. Green”


A lie told to oneself is like a conscious denial of the existence of reality itself. It is a way to deny what is objective, testable and observable, and thus extinguish whatever is true to substitute in its place more insistent nothingness.

The function is to deceive.

The point is, with our current understanding, we can harness the reality in that we currently communicate via the inversion of portals, but it is all heftily explained away for mostly nameless modern scientists to generally agree that light travels 99.9999999999999% of an instant via government satellite communications, when really, this just isn’t true. We are being tricked into using technocratic frequencies alternative to the usage of portals of old times, before the materialist masking of modern science that effectively averted the public consciousness away from this truth about portals.

Somewhere in our recent history, our very alchemical connections with the laws of nature have been deliberately fragmented into separated specialty fields by psychopath controllers who seek to imprison us into the lower frequency they occupy, driving us further into a spiritually devastating parasite-host relationship; in other words, inescapable slavery. All of today’s modern marvels of technology operates as a mask of insistence to invert our very perceptions as a means to remove autonomous energy sovereignty in order to dish out cheap shots of sieved technologies as tools for silent warfare. Information control.

Mark Zuckerburg: “But now we have a new North Star…”

The inverted portals surveil and mimic users by funneling them into it by tricking them into signing unreadable agreements that are made to drain and deflate the spirit of the user upon their own consent.

The magic of television is a weapon of mind control by the archons who occupy with hostility the very direction our compasses point to, and bedazzle victims from within its imprisoning frequency. You have to wonder why we are not allowed to go there. Allow me to show you an example. To amplify intuition, please take your time and digest this piece of art that I put together:

<viewer discretion advised>

“In order to change a human being into this.”

By its very design, this entire utility of the screen is an open attempt of archons to enslave people from within a control frequency. Social media is free to use, but look closer and see why; it’s another case of, “Toss the dog a bone, give them just a little of what they think they want.” except the control aspect of this internet has quite possibly gotten out of their control, such as anything. These pathetic losers are going to have a very difficult time suppressing this written philosophical work you are reading at this very moment, in that it is intended to retain its context at all costs.

I’m sure that those who would prefer to silence my research would like to trap me into the disastrous nonsense of social media cobwebs where you cannot even elicit tone nor emphasize meaning in any area. I’m sure they would like to drag as many people as possible into the Metaverse as well. From there, these pathetic losers can play God and impose their subjective worldviews upon anyone trapped inside their soul devouring black cubes. Convenience and instant gratification have become autopilot overrides for what once was useful and meaningful inside of letters, journals, and rare books. Modern book burnings also occur through the planned obsolescence of the internet, and the smearing done to those who operate contrast to the technocratic fascists.

This is a statesman’s pseudo-parental flex in order to show us who is in control of the on and off switch of information and economy.

If whatever I was saying was so harmful and false, then why would anyone feel the need to censor my very incorrect point of view?

Given my experience with being so heavily censored from posting interview recordings or recorded debates onto casual uses of social media, my intuition knows that I’m going to have to backup this book along with it’s attached videos to physical copies, for sake that their control frequency is not in the control of sovereign individuals, but is sieved through the very technocracy of which I am openly criticizing. All forms of censorship may come my way from many angles, but this work will subsist through distribution by proxy. On the upshot, there is at least one takeaway from the censorial nonsense that any observer can clearly see anytime we do indeed encounter these silly efforts of censorship:

The empire fears philosophers.

The empire fears philosophers.

You have an inverted portal in your pocket, for our modernist technological tools are mere simulations of portals, however innovative they seem to be. With true alchemical portals made available from the ground up, the necessity for material transportation to benefit oil companies would rapidly reduce, as sustainable communities would flourish out of an inherent necessity for creativity and human connection. Yet, whenever I ask anyone why they still pay taxes, frequently I hear the response, “But who’s going to pave the roads?

I know someone who can help with that.

Carey Wedler wrote:

“Without governments, people build roads— just like now but without the extra theft, bureaucracy and incompetence.”

Carey frequently makes such a wonderful time out of hilarious punchlines that render the Empire back into its useless state of obsolescence, however I can also help with that with a few simple riddles. Allow me to volley a couple of tennis balls of inquiry back over the net.

So riddle me this:

When is the last time you walked into a DMV (Division of Motor Vehicles)? Many of us have done it with the impulsive desire of eliminating legal confusion, only to get quick-sanded into the exact opposite effect. The only black hole that actually exists is in us collecting all this material detritus that helps us get filtered through government checkpoints by coming and going to or from anywhere that these governments decide we are allowed to go. We’ve been conditioned into an unconscious jurisdiction, where these restrictive documents can decide whether or not we are to be allowed access to many public establishments, pubs, stadiums, concert halls, and etc. Under the guise of being promised safety by the empire, we’ve been tricked into having a government-issued ID, and some of us even hold an extremely authoritative pharmaceutical poison passport in order to reduce hassle, and facilitate unnecessarily paranoid convenience for our travel across borders. “Safety first!” exclaim the boot-licking statist sycophants who continue to accept the mainstream narratives of the false flag events such as the Hindenburg explosion, or those who can live small enough to remember back in 2001, where two holographic airplanes somehow destroyed the World Trade Center, and miraculously did it all without the help of our own government first rigging the buildings with explosives. Academic halls have shrunk into the size of headphones and an inverted portal that now hypnotizes the susceptible by flashing the colors of some hokey Prager U Adobe Illustrator cartoons as proof positive that two airplanes actually did destroy the World Trade Center in 2001. The empire urges you to accept this narrative as a reality, while charlatan populist intellectuals continue to human shield for the United Nations.

But here we are, receiving opinions and fragments of convenient half-truths directly from filters set by corporations and feckless community guidelines laid out by sanctimoniously censorious technocrats from the tiny ponds of our handheld televisions, while getting a migraine from the fluorescent lighting beaming up this city’s DMV waiting room, with a bingo number in hand, tricked into becoming eager for our ascension toward that almighty counter, manned by an expert. We’ve wasted so much time and been drained life force so that we can stay up-to-date in updating our car’s registration tabs, making license plate updates, filling out straw-man paperwork, and speed reading the degrees-bent, meandering gatekeeping linguistics of pathologically unreadable insurance paperwork in which our school systems never once taught us to properly decrypt. What does any of it mean? Jean Baudrillard would’ve called it another dead and circular response to a dead and circular interrogation. I call it a clever way to hide land. We face trade-offs of becoming tied into the jurisdiction of these materialist systems that simulate inescapable domination.

Efficiency produces unconsciously disastrous outcomes as the DMV employees who got suckered into working these soft totalitarian Hell on Earth jobs have already accepted the disastrously ideological trade-offs of being audibly assaulted with the repetitive nonsense of robotic numbers that’s been screamed at both them and the unwilling guests from the ceiling speakers, throughout each and every one of their workdays. Then comes this drained and completely deflated retort from someone who wants to protect the fabric of their meaningless investment, “Oh, you know usually it’s not very hard to tune it out and just go about your day”. Snarky normalizations of this collectively neurotic disruption puts the self, and thus its surrounding society under siege through another blatant example of stagnant government mind control. After one subjects themselves into going through such stealthy spiritual trauma from various directions all around (advertisement, media, etc.), and chooses to ingest its toxic contents, your subconscious mind then becomes melted down into metaphorical creamy mashed potatoes as the automated system just used people to push around its absolutely meaningless papers. And by proxy of entrenching the self into this absolute nonsense, you all learn absolutely nothing together, as the ontology of respective specialty fields simulates the ideological domination of non-being over the philosophical self.

Conned into a cultish worship of empty space, it’s all just like the stories told to us about ancient dinosaurs and their terrifying extinction by a whirling asteroid from space. The ego is so quick to protect and defend this story, for how many years did we actually spend in school learning to know what we think we all now know? A paleontologist expert urges you to never question The Almighty Science™ and to never peer behind that locked door of their museum, “It’s best not to touch the radioactive dinosaur bones.” If the word dinosaur was based on an invented class dinosauria in 1842 by Sir Richard Owen, a member of the Royal Society who just so happened to own a museum, I now must inquire to you, “what would you have called those bones in 1841 and any year prior to that?” Conveniently, we’re also taught to accept that a long whale with antlers was pulled out of an ocean by a great water tornado that landed its corpse in front of people in China during the 1930’s, but That Science™ totally checks out and it might be best to let the experts deal with it. Thanks to the wonders of our modern education system that’s been funded all along by perverted philanthropists who hold huge investments in indoctrinating us with ridiculously corny sales chop stories about how fossil fuels are a scarce resource because The Experts™ have discovered that the black blood of crude oil is actually comprised of liquefied dinosaur bones, slowly decaying over time, from a radioactive asteroid that totally hit our planet 66 million years ago so that the relative gravity would ball up all that rubble into an absolutely perfect circle that we call the moon that some super advanced astronauts totally played golf on. Then, after geoengineering our skies with aluminum oxide in order to manufacture weather control weapons, the news on television scares the hell out of everyone about how because of dangerous human activity such as fossil fuel emissions, farmers growing their own food, open food markets, and further ridiculous claims made by some test tube worshiping virologists, many were conned into thinking that thanks to global warming, these variables managed to magically wizard up another crazy “pandemic”. I beg to differ, for it all arrived on technocratic silver platters as notifications on our pocket portal screens as silly cartoons staining nations with a simulated color red on our weather maps. It was just like when we were kids on Christmas Eve, tracking Santa Claus on another inverted portal of an antennae television.

The pathogenic stress of this worship of empty space then produced unconscious ideological servitude toward the totalitarian paper pushers who put a DMV bingo number in our hands and told us all to wait in line. They tricked us all into gifting extraordinary amounts of power toward egoistic psychopath grocery store managers, so they could further punch down on employees by means of draconian coercion, while empty hospitals were flooded with dancing nurses, ICU patients poisoned by q-tips, Operation Warp Speed, Midazolam, Remdesivir all to then be finished off with ventilators, all laced with financial incentives written in the CARES Act, by the inverse charity of the absolute ghouls of Congress. More conscious nurses who spoke out against these extreme measures were deliberately vetted out of the system. Back at the DMV, it then comes time for these materialistically enslaved authority figures who sit on their ass all day and like to play shit like Candy Crush™ on their phones during their fast food lunch break to impose upon you their denominatorship of wisdom, regarding a delightful refreshment of pointlessly strict impositions of public health advice that’s based on another idiotic trend of something that’s completely without foundation. And now, in order to get into to the DMV so that you can get your paperwork in line in order to avoid getting punished by some meaningless checkpoint, this Candy Crush™ champion now would like to flex 100% of their tiny inch of power upon you for sake of this ontological myth of public health; “In order to come inside this building, you’re going to have to wear a mask. That’s the policy. At this facility, we are all strictly following the CDC guidelines.” And what are we doing? We’re trying to get into the DMV for what? Where were we? Oh yeah!

It’s so you can drive any motored vehicle that you may already own on these weathered, potholed roads, impermanently paved by the government’s hired crews who reluctantly whipped them together by material means, in exchange for some money. As opposed to the utility of cymatic resonance, or any technologies of the old world that used free and infinite energy, the center of sieved energy for these roads is constructed by an inverted energy system set up by oil company philanthropists, and constructed specifically through the theft of taxation, as opposed to the otherwise creative means. The inverted portal in your pocket charges its battery by a materialist hole in the wall that would actually kill you if you stuck a fork inside it, but that end product of oil philanthropy is totally not what’s causing people to be sick, no way! For it’s helpful and efficient for these city planners to throw distortions of electromagnetic frequency directly onto the water towers of small towns, and provide cheap fast food for our totalitarian DMV paper pushers on their lunch break, while using stories about false pathogens to be weaponized by sanctimonious customer service representatives ascending to the almighty managerial positions so they can further gate-keep organic foods away from anyone who tries to shop there without a face diaper, and filter out the spreaders of disease by requiring a piece of paper inoculation passport in order to access the automatic doors of more stark and brutalist architecture of evil corporations often disguised as some safe zone member-owned co-op grocery store that grifts the public and drains the emotional energy of participants with newspaper stands of more of the empire’s propaganda written up by well paid lying journalists who make use of manipulatively fluffy words like diversity, inclusion, and equity. All this decor in order to provide another pathological sales chop for unnecessarily expensive food. It’s all just like that totally fake animal that makes its appearance in the skies of old paintings and the astrological wheel of the Chinese Zodiac calendar, and just like a hot air balloon, further disproving the existence of gravity. And what happens if we remain under the governments jurisdiction? We get pulled over… for expired registration tabs? Really? What are those for? Why does this exist? Oh, and if you stand under that jurisdiction of government, then you’ll have to pay a fine for those expired tabs. If you don’t pay it, fail to appear in court, or just ignore the thing altogether, you’re tracked by this inverted portal in your pocket so the empire can assist you in going to jail. And the ones pulling you over are instructed by more of these authoritarian paper pushers to meet a quota, so thus the one who is extorting bonus taxation from you simultaneously carries a loaded gun at all times, so that you can understand them more clearly. So is there still someone who is actually arguing that all of this is completely acceptable reason enough for why we ever need to walk into the Division of Motor Vehicles, so that we can to sit there, with our stupid bingo number, listening to the ceiling scream numbers at us, so we can go along with this pathological narrative about how if we were without governments, perverted philanthropists, and banker mobs, that the roads that we would use to transport things like potatoes just would not get built by the ones who would like to move the potatoes? Without government regulation, maybe that potato farmer could just fucking grow potatoes, and free markets could emerge upon their own accord. Health departments exist just to constrict the sale of food, where the eventual excesses of this type of control would salt our soils on purpose, and rhyme with the mass starvations of Bolshevism.

Ask yourselves: did modern corporations exist so long ago as during the old times when these sky-scraping cathedrals, star forts and their aesthetically perfect roads were constructed? They didn’t. These corporations and absolutely meaningless alphabet soup government agencies were never necessary, and for the exhaustive lists of the damages performed by them, they are not necessary today. Many of the top Fortune 500 companies that still exist today were formed after 1902. So how do you think roads and cathedrals were built centuries ago? Mud wagons, ropes, donkeys and levees? Do you really think the high aesthetics and majestic spires of the old world were just hand chiseled by government labor, or rather was it spawned by creative impulse? Do you really believe that governments could create this with its center energy source being the very theft of taxation itself? I do not.

And if what I was saying was so off base, then why would I repeatedly get censored for speaking out?

I know why.

The empire fears philosophers.


Did governments and corporations build these roads?

Or how about these roads?

In today’s time, roads are built intently with planned obsolescence, cheaper materials are used so the roads break down and require maintenance.

Oh, how about this one? Do you really think that taxation created this?

Or was this a product of sheer creativity?

The artistry and aesthetics should make it clear that the people who put these old roads together actually wanted to do so. By deduction, we can logically find a remainder, in which they did so with such efficiency via electromagnetism and cymatics. No oppressive empire nor spiritually devastating totalitarian government was necessary to even exist to help out with the roads here. You are looking at massive pieces of art.

And just like in the same way the hot air of dragons were once a blatant disproof against the existence of gravity as a force, the very existence of dragons is subconsciously occluded by egoistic propaganda as the phantom bones of dinosaurs are insistently masked into a forced vanishing point behind closed doors of masonic museums. Dragon bones and expositions supporting their existence in recent times are hastily torn away by Royal Society philanthropists and relabeled as radioactive dinosaurs from over 65 million years ago. Here comes the pattern recognition: that is also why they covered up our old world and substantiate societies in mud… it was for them to insist upon us their own simulated necessity, by enveloping us into their Wizard of Oz’s needless taxation. To explain away, wall off, and A tactical energy harvest by fraudulent magicians, farming life force from populations of people who were tricked into paying for their lame theatrics.

You do not need the state to do any of this for you, for what they are covering up is the exact evidence that you do not need their state. Insistence upon empty space and the propaganda of materialistic bait would tell you otherwise. Stale and tamed comedy is just another weapon against the psyche.

Statesmen repeatedly cover it all up in mud to sell minds into the advent of materialism, to tragically have governments insist to you that without them, you’d be “set back to the stone ages”. This is a dialectical threat by the ones who have stolen our true past from us, and use the remainder to enslave us with brutalist architecture reflecting the low vibrational state of the black cube. Aesthetic creativity becomes destroyed by nonsensical paperwork, regulation and black noise.

So, what is black noise?

During a 1974 Interview, a conversation between Dick Cavett and David Bowie unfolds:

Dick Cavett: What is black noise?
David Bowie: Black noise? Yeah, black noise is um something that [William S.] Burroughs got very interested in. One facet of black noise is that everything, like a glass, if you're not pressing it, hits a particular note. The vibrations are out of the metabolism of the glass, and it cracks it, yeah. So, the black noise is the register within which you can crack a city or people. It's a new controlled bomb; it's a noise bomb, in fact… which can destroy. Why do you ask that?
Dick Cavett: Is it a real thing? Is it something that someone is experimenting with?
David Bowie: Oh it is, yeah. It was invented in France.
Dick Cavett: Could a tyrant use it to, uh?
David Bowie: Well, until last year you could buy the patent for it and the French patent office for about the equivalent of three or four dollars.
Dick Cavett: and it would wipe out a it's a… it's concentrated…
David Bowie: …depends on how much money you put into it. I mean, a small one could probably kill about half the people here, but a big one could destroy a city, or even more.
Dick Cavett: It's a weird idea.
David Bowie: Don't look at me, it's not my idea..
Dick Cavett: Let's not give the instructions on how to how to do it.

The same devices that were used by the architects of the old world in order to construct monoliths, castle structures, and high-level aesthetic architectures of all sorts were then stolen by the controllers of various secret societies, and royal society acolytes. The evidence clearly shows the inverse function of this antiquetech was then weaponized as noise bombs. These directed energy weapons were then used to liquefy the earth with use of vibrational manipulation and sound frequency to then use these inverted technologies to bury their civilizations in mud. Here are some clear examples of these statist crimes.

And why is THIS VIDEO the first thing that pops up on YouTube when typing in the word “mudflood” into the search bar?

I know why. It’s just more smoke and mirrors to keep people perpetually lost and enslaved by ego.

Measure the aesthetics, and notice how psychopathic low vibration occupies the tone of the narrator. Sam Gold runs the show.

Click here, and learn nothing.
You see…
I know why they’re doing this…

It’s because they are doing it all on purpose.

And that is why the totalitarian losers need to stoop down to silly bullshit like censorship.
Screenshot from my article: “The Formula
Another screen capture from: “The Formula

Besides, did anyone really believe the story told to us in philanthropist funded school curriculums about how Benjamin Franklin helped “discover” electricity with a kite and a ring in an electrical storm? Like Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin was another Freemason.

This entire issue transitions over to the psyche of the subject, which over time can engage in measurements of objective truth that can be felt or intuited. The quality of the performance or experiment is defined by the subjective experience of the listener/observer, and one’s ability to decipher and detect the level of aesthetics of any given performance or experiment. Here, I am simply describing “taste”, where the palate for taste operates like a tongue does to food, but in this case it shifts towards more philosophical end products that construct substance, when measuring it up to the objective universal truth that connects us all as one.

Taste is a measurement of aesthetics.

High frequency aesthetics operate like rapid oscillations of that which constitutes substance and resonates accordingly.

Substance = One

Unaesthetic low frequency occurrences infrequently oscillate that which constitutes substance, and substitutes in place simulations of insistence, often comprising poor taste. Low vibration states are vampirically dependent on expenditures of energy by others in order to forcibly resonate on a congruent lowest common denominator of egoistic poor taste.

Privation = Zero

Rafael Araujo- “Waves Sequence 2D”

Those who seek to enslave others for their own benefit tend toward low frequency operandi. In other words, a slave-master seeks to simulate oneself as a Godhead, in a continued addiction toward the advent of totalitarian power over others, by indoctrinating the susceptible into an illusory mist of occlusion in order to dominate over one’s ability to perceive their own inherent sovereignty. Behold, the deceptive smoke and mirrors of archons.

“Too long a parasite, and you cannot exist without a host.”

-Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune

For this trade-off of oneself either being enslaved or not being enslaved turns into an issue of sovereign power, and thus becomes ones own choice to recognize that particular sovereignty from within oneself and their connection to Natural Law. Dialectics of chess strategy then occur in a sophisticated manner, sourced from the archons. Then comes forth the forms of inverted charity, simulated scarcity and deliberate, totalitarian efforts to effectively mask objective universal truth from the public at large with the weaponized use of materialist poisons. These are the silent weapons.

Manipulations of compassion opens the gates for the subconscious minds of individuals to be invaded with proselytizing messages from those who seek to enslave others; in other words, the fascists might use bullshit Adobe Illustrator cartoons and major chord happy music in order to propagandize populations of people into desired forms of enslavement and uniform compliance.

In this situation, observing the root of what puts us on this Earth boils down to whether we were created by intelligent design and are sensibly connected to one another by that creative energy… or not. The alternative is an total appeal to nihilism, in that we would default toward its gravitational antithesis in that we were somehow spontaneously combusted out of nothing through a random Big Bang™. Only from the antithesis of creation would we have just so happened to have slowly evolved over the course of millennia after some random explosion out of nothing.

Physicist Richard Feynman once said, “If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong

By gatekeeping scientismic careers with the clutter of expensive modern tools for the materialist measurements of our half-life seance, we could efficiently simulate support for the further insistence that supports the antithesis of creationism and perpetuate our government funding through taxation, by providing inconvenient evolutionary indoctrinations that source the origin of our Sapien™ species from some soulless redundant protoplasm that took thousands and thousands of years to slowly crawl out of the Goldilocks homeostasis of water, and into a still-consciousless vertebrae that would take even more thousands of years to become a monkey and eventually a homo sapien sapien, alone somewhere, distant in the vast mysterious antimatter vacuum of total empty space, light-years away from everything else, and ever expanding turbulences of gravity into further increasing distances of more vast, meaningless, repetitive nothingness laced with occasional pit-stops of unreachable, but possibly yet unlikely climate-stable, Earth-like proxy planets, just immeasurably meandering along from its initial moment of a giant explosion millions of years ago, much like being in the middle of this very run-on sentence, eventually destined to randomly disintegrate back into stardust by the inevitability of our unlucky trigger pulls of a mass-suicide Russian Roulette ritual of a local supernova phenomena, which would render an Armageddon of doom to all of our monolithic efforts to generate any astronomical mathematical calculation or creative human impulse back into the godless nothingness that the Sapiens™ came from.

But surely, with the help of computer models, maybe we can calculate that phenomena a bit more efficiently.

Could we save the world with science?!

In our century, subconscious assaults by the media and the state provide ripe soil for the psychological nexus to plant seeds for this antithetical advent of nihilism. This depreciates ones propensities toward observing and feeling a sense of significance in our realm of existence and vibration. In this case, the difference between zero and one becomes rather necessary for one to contend with while analyzing one’s own measurable discernment on whether something of substance or insistence either exists or does not exist. It’s a form of aesthetic psychological warfare between the ability to perceive spirituality above and beyond materialism, in that the advent and unconscious ideology of materialism directly benefits the archons who seek to enslave others, by masking over the existence of spirit and soul.

In his book “Welcome to the Desert of the Real”, Slavoj Žižek wrote:

“…The true apropos of historical traumas is not the one between remembering or forgetting them: traumas we are not ready or able to remember haunt us all the more forcefully. We should therefore accept the paradox that, in order really to forget an event, we must first summon up the strength to remember it properly. In order to account for this paradox, we should bear in mind that the opposite of existence is not nonexistence, but insistence: that which does not exist, continues to insist, striving towards existence (the first to articulate this opposition was, of course, Schelling, when, in his Treatise on Human Freedom, he introduced the distinction between Existence and the Ground of Existence). When I miss a crucial ethical opportunity, and fail to make a move that would ‘change everything’, the very non-existence of what I should have done will haunt me for ever: although what I did not do does not exist, its spectre continues to insist. In an outstanding reading of Walter Benjamin’s ‘Theses on the Philosophy of History’, Eric Santner elaborates Benjamin’s notion that a present revolutionary intervention repeats/redeems past failed attempts: the ‘symptoms’ — past traces which are retroactively redeemed through the ‘miracle’ of the revolutionary intervention — are ‘not so much forgotten deeds, but rather forgotten failures to act, failures to suspend the force of social bond inhibiting acts of solidarity with society’s ‘others’:”

The high frequency of what is true can be detected by having a refined taste in aesthetics. This cannot be achieved by blindly “trusting the science”, as is often the case with low-frequency behavior of any individual who outright refuses to engage in the challenges of applied science for themselves, or even allow space for discussion on the matter. The eyes are wide shut for the self-enslavement that dispenses of ones own testable observation in order to forfeit ones subconscious mind in order to efficiently substitute their own eyes for the eyes of science. Examples of the eyes of science include the telescope, the microscope, sophisticated radars, computer models, and so on.

To what science is something being referred to? Are we substituting our measurement for aesthetics based on authoritarian dogma, and are we collectively adopting a blinded faith toward an inverted religion (scientism)? All this effort, so that a large portion of our years of life lived must be spent studying textbook after textbook, so that we can “get a degree” before we’re proverbially allowed to openly criticize the intelligentsia of so-called science from within their respective specialty fields… This type of hierarchy that is defined by levels of wealth and years of lived life studying acute specialty information implies severe societal trade-offs. Examples of these trade-offs include: the de-materialization of public trust, absence of philosophical discourse, and the deliberate humiliation by the public at large for oneself to engage in various forms of critical thinking.

And someone please tell me… How is this system somehow not a form of perpetual mass enslavement?

Many people receive their information via the mass media, which is a main cause for the simulated problems abroad, thus implying dialectical solutions as reactions to the given problems.

A modern philosopher Alexandra writes:

“The problem is never the solution.”

The mass media is completely controlled as it stands, and this is why we are faced daily with occlusions, illusions and blatant distractions by the tangential marionettes of their respective totalitarian-sympathetic intellectuals who consciously or unconsciously operate to assist in the deception of mass populations of people, for the purpose of fulfilling their own debts of illusory enslavement by ego. The marionettes themselves are enslaved to smaller numbers of people who are also enslaved to their respective smaller numbers of people, and thus effectuate this dialectical formula onto common civilian life.

The unconscious contents of dialectical materialism function specifically to enslave populations of people by distorting the collective perception of a target population with fads, trends, and prison-like school indoctrinations. The destruction and masking of aesthetic detail for sake of economic efficiency is motivated by the hastiness of excess collective ego, which functions to benefit the state, big alphabet soup organizations, and various corporate entities which simulate power above the sovereign individual. The entities of the state and corporation further nourish this collective ego by means of creating reward systems of false consciousness and intentional ideological subversion, thus creating even more collective ego for the state and corporation to benefit from. This self-enslaving formula is what constructs an equitable denominatorship, controlled and manipulated by the few psychopaths who enjoy doing so, and it requires illusions of simulated substance and artificial scarcity in order to maintain its systems of insistence.

With regard to the transparency of applied sciences, the onus of public belief for any given hypothesis to hold a sustained value of temporarily not wrong (or temporarily right) fully hinges upon attentive and properly educated audiences who may tend toward collectively maintaining levels of expositional synthesis based on what can be congruently perceived. For those involved who are willing to specifically expose, unveil or transparently share with those concerned; the penumbra of substantial philosophical conversations then transfer high-substance information, incentivized by an intuitively aesthetic realm, making ground for advanced forms of philosophical debate. Those who insist without substance frequently refuse to debate on these grounds, and proselytize reductionist materialism via performative programming. The absence of substance (privation) becomes fairly obvious when the conduits for empirical proofs to claims are intentionally glossed over or insisted upon. What becomes substituted is corny comedic detritus in order to keep audiences occupied with something as profoundly stale as an insistent mic drop to suffice in place of an experiment, in order to simulate a proof supporting the theory of gravity as sacrosanct science, thus simulating the substance of Natural Law from within its insistent, unsubstantiated opposite. The simulation of substance is nothing more than disguised privation.

Whether or not we are dealing with excess variables and control groups in a given experiment must be factored into deciding whether a hypothesis reaches the level of consequence through an equation, sandwiched from between the two. This filter to sieve out the false is essential in order to maintain balance with true Natural Law, as opposed to a simulated one.

In this realm, we are souls with bodies, dancing and navigating somewhere between the distance of zero and one. The stratagem for navigating this dualistic balance are based on our power to make our own decisions in telling the truth or fabricating a lie. Intuition and psychoanalytical clairvoyance will guide an individual closer to one, where the opposite striving of egoistic impulse pulls and drags the subject closer to zero. Exceptions to the necessity of revealing excess truth at all times may apply if one needs to lie to a stranger who may pose some type of danger to the subject, or for sake of basic privacy. Insistent materialists with an investment to protect frequently seek to encroach upon both, and use the information to do harm upon the target subject in order to satiate the impulses of ego. This tactic is designed to fragment the perceptions of individuals by deliberately disrupting the aesthetics of frequency.

Who’s behind all this 440 Hz frequency, huh?
Saturn’s North Pole

High frequencies of truth in harmony with the laws of nature tend to resonate with those who are open and listening. That which is low frequency often relies upon deception to simulate truth, often masking itself with the closed metatronic systems. Time limits, censorship and discontinuances of open discourse embody the latter. Think again on the black and white squares, and use that to take a closer look at the reality presented around us.

This reality is a chess match, and we are deep in it.

Only fragments of alchemy remain, and serve as clues toward learning about our true genealogies.

Notice the involvement of the United Nations.

See for yourself.

The continuously synthetic impermanence of hollow plastic architecture once again proves itself unsustainable as it perpetuates the lived demise of our modern civilization. Our frequencies have been intentionally disconnected and fragmented by conspiratorial road-cones shaped in the form of life-threatening power sockets on dirty electricity.

However, solutions can still arise as removals of the cause of the problem, where the remainders may allow us to intuit our subsistence of autonomous health and vibration in order to transcend these restrictions placed upon us, so that we can once again harness the power and energy of cymatic resonance and electrostatic levitation.

Up next…

Vanishing Point III (eBook)


Vanishing Point IV (eBook)

I should probably publish copies of this when it’s finished, huh?

Welcome to proxy earth substack. Paid subsciptions optional.
Alright time to go watch star wars with my buddy Austin.
Thanks for reading. Bye for now.

—Ira James Rogers


My friend Evan Clark wrote and published his new book. Fuck. It’s really, really good. Just read it already. Whatever, figure it out, am i right?

Cold Truth.
Cold Truth.
Ira James