Begin with the introductory video, embedded above via the Substack video player.
A marionette dances by strings, barely visible. It peels and stretches the Pinocchio-esque skin upwards toward the unknown ceiling above the stage. The strings move upward, wrapped around shadowed pulleys. The string sourced from the tool in the hands of the marionette, who has ascended to the status of ones own puppeteer. A panopticon watches closely and power is offered through the integration of subservient capitulation. The strings enslave the self into its own marionette, with the puppet pushing down the wooden tool which pulleys the puppet upward, gradually hanging in suspension. Body’s not listening to the brain. Caught in a puzzle that it cannot solve. Enslaved by ego. Another day to maintain the status quo in a spiderweb of materialism.
DATA SENTINEL you scathe to compound me to float
lethargy relief
straight from the pockets of sleepers
I'd stay on the ground if you could break my wings
a harrowing contraction
so gloomy and toothless
yea, take a crack at my force field
incompetent and useless
this headless snake now rots in the soil
as we remember the easy way to end it if I could ever rearrange
the sleight that conforms you
to mend and contort you
my time will pass if you could let me die
a mile from an inch
nourished by the remnants
access to virulence
in some sleeper cell exhibit
designed by minds of the misery entrenchment
drenched in the lascivious viscous
an echo chamber scientist
a porcelain throne the wraith who compels us from lies
freeze into custody
binding severe curiosity
place your bid on visits to the deathbed
...of astronauts
On “Revolver” (2005/2008)
I have a suggestion. The 2005 film “Revolver,” directed by Guy Ritchie has aged like fine wine, except with seemingly infinite replay value. It serves as an archetypal mirror that can be applied to an attentive audience who carefully listens to its deeper and more unconscious messaging.
In this film, Jake Green (Jason Statham) unveils some of the philosophical roots and deep-minded strategy coming from behind the chess board, which can be applied to how we go about our everyday lives. With aesthetic finesse, this film incentivizes a complex exploration into the ego.
Before we go on, here’s a preview of the film so you get a basic idea of what we are working with (No spoilers). This film confronts the viewer with terrifyingly subtle Kabbalistic mysticism, various numerological Easter eggs, all working to liberate one’s own limited perception apart from a massive mental imprisonment into a world that hides directly in front of oneself. The opponent is extremely stealthy, in this sense.
Throughout the film we hear the voice of a mysterious, unseen figure known as Sam Gold as he seemingly surveils and controls the environment. Sam Gold speaks to any given character using their own voice, and makes them believe that he is them. The plot thickens with massive debts of fortune, the inversion of wealth through insatiable materialism, and characters hacking one another off the chess board of life with shootouts and stylish assassinations. Motivated by the simulation of an hourglass, money bags are sorted and moved around, opposition members are interrogated, blackmailed, and strategically eliminated. Psychoanalytical casino proxy battles, debt collections, bags of drugs, and loan shark schemes all tornado the pawns, knights and bishops up into an urban fiasco, with metaphysical undertones and bludgeoning plot-twists.
Emerging from the shadows of the environmentally-controlled chaos, a conman and a chess player intercept Jake Green two years after he is released from prison. “Revolver” perfectly illustrates microcosmic patterns that can be applied toward psychological war games that are subconsciously occurring all around us. A silent war is occurring in the real world, and it’s shown to exhibit severe consequences for many individuals all around us. To hold an understanding for how all of this works, is much like shaping up a key to get through the locked doors within ones own perception toward the world around them. In order to help oneself navigate ways to avoid the traps of economic destitution, ideological possession, war hawk propaganda, or just being helplessly overwhelmed by all the noise, one must perceive beyond duality in order to explore the tells of those who are seeking to extort or control from dark to light.
Chess Theory and Dualism
One’s adherence towards ideological hyper-conclusion is often built on the duality of “balanced viewpoints” from within the bigger environment of an established Overton window. To surrender one’s own subconscious gut feeling over to rapid google searches and fact-checker websites unfortunately becomes highly indicative of a willful slave mindset. The mind then becomes completely constricted, entranced by delusion, and placed under a spell by one’s own ego. The ego builds walls around the self to simulate its protection, eventually creating defense mechanisms that amplify this inverse self-enslavement to the point of total ideological imprisonment.
Within this chess match played on light and dark squares, one must simply ask:
“Qui bono? (Who benefits?)”
It is not you, Dorothy.
I’ll just let you take it from here, James Corbett.
Harvey Two-Face pulls a circus act as he seizes control of the floor, and presents a duality of opposites in order to lecture his hostages on how they can explore where the virus came from. Sam Gold whispers from inside his head, justifying his suspicion, “Someone is gonna have to pay for the damages dealt here,” as Two-Face waves a machine gun around for everyone in Gotham City to witness on television.
Did the virus emerge from some bat soup recipe out of Wuhan, as repeated again and again by psychotic war hawk acolytes like Rachel Maddow, or did we finally narrow things down in order to find the metaphorical smoking pistol of Dr. Fauci’s involvement with the Wuhan Institute of Virology?
We are going to need the ultimate solution in order to solve this vast problem, right?
In this case, the duality of opposites surrounding the existence of a virus is sitting on a presupposed false paradigm that holds no evidence whatsoever. The virus does not exist.
However, it is the ideology of the virus that rewards us with a grand total of two pseudoscientific pursuits when we reach the establishment’s desired synthesis of ridiculous outcomes:
Option #1- “Alright, enough chatter already. Cool it. Let’s wrap it up here and stop all the philosophical banter, because I feel that there is nothing more we need to talk about here. Please don’t try to show me some other dumb video you found; people are dying, and the blood is partially on the hands of these less than human anti-maskers! Honestly, there’s just no time for us to debate here, as we are facing a global pandemic, and you can see with your own eyes that the bodies are piling up in the streets from this highly contagious virus. You’re spreading harmful medical misinformation, and it’s because of people like you that this deadly pandemic is still ravaging our nation, according to the news. Let’s play it safe. Please just stand six feet away from me if you’re not going to go get your booster shot. Wear a mask, social distance, stay in our homes, and just go get vaccinated when the government asks us to. If you can’t do those small things, then I think that maybe you should be forcibly relocated over to a quarantine facility for a little while, until you can learn a lesson or two. It’s clearly best to stay on the sidelines and leave this one to the experts. Besides, you are NOT a virologist, and neither am I; there is no room for discussion, and we shouldn’t even be talking about this. After all, Dr. Fauci seems like a nice guy. You see, watching television is the way I keep up with the world, and personally I enjoy watching The Rachel Maddow Show. According to her inside sources, it seems highly probable that the virus emerged from some dirty bat soup in a murky wet market, likely coming straight from Wuhan, China. For all of her journalistic integrity, I'd like to provide a huge shoutout to Rachel Maddow. Thank you so much, Rachel Maddow for all your hard work. It seems that the mix-up of animal viruses may have been caused by overpopulation and global warming, and it is now microwaving us to death as we speak. Corporate journalists are trusted for a reason, and there’s no real reason for them to get lobbied out by the military industrial complex. Why would they want to plant seeds for a future proxy war with China? All they do is sell weapons. But if push comes to shove, and we have to drop more Raytheon carpet bombs in order to help the Democrats accomplish their virtuous mission to stop wet markets from existing ever again, then so be it. Defeating the virus is a good thing. The general consensus is trustworthy, and that’s why we all need to get vaccinated so we can help bring an end to this pandemic. The vaccine doesn’t work unless everyone takes the shot; that’s what I heard. Additionally, fact checkers helped us understand that graphene oxide is nothing to worry about, so suck it up and roll up your sleeves. It’s safe and effective. This conversation is over.”
Option #2- We centrist podcasters strive to provide balanced journalism and real-life conversations that you can listen to! Although some of us neo-conservatives may produce subtle xenophobic remarks and assertive blanket statements about an entire population of China being “full of liars,” we assure you, that you can trust us, because we are like your best friend here. Can you believe that Twitter actually censored the 45th president of the United States? Enough is enough, screw all the liberals. Elon Musk purchasing Twitter is a WIN for conservatives! And now, I’m just going to come out and say it. Donald Trump was absolutely right to call this contagious plague that infected the population of our whole world the China Virus™. It’s safest to shift the public opinion towards a healthy distrust of foreigners, so keep your guard up! Chinese laboratories could easily be cooking up another highly contagious virus as we speak! By promoting the gain of function narrative, we can snuggle ourselves safely inside the Overton window by respecting virus existence as completely objective, and we can use its momentum to harness a new type of power. A little bit of Western aggression and a taste of imperialism never hurt anyone too much. Let America help solve this crisis, once and for all. I know that the dangerous virus may impose just a few more lockdowns, social distancing orders, and pandemic restriction curfews, all of which would help justify a sentiment of apartheid surrounding masking and digital health passes, but that’s okay. So long as the blood debt caused by this dangerous virus is paid by the enemy. The damage done by the China Virus™ shall be dealt with, America comes first! So what, there may be an ideological manufacturing of the public’s consent, which grants more power to the military industrial complex as they lobby politicians in order to plant seeds for a future proxy war with China... With this established, the government can perform more indiscriminate bombings in a vague promise to help stop these contagious bio-labs from ever existing again. Defeating the virus is a good thing. Why would the Biden administration be suppressing early treatment, such as monoclonal antibodies? I saw that’s what Joe Rogan took. Tim Pool took them too. Monoclonal antibodies seem safe and effective against the virus. I even found a doctor who said this was a good treatment for covid, as opposed to the other big pharma vaccines. What is simulated scarcity? Why are you using these big words? Get out of here with your fairy tales about how the virus doesn’t exist, you’re just part of the problem. No one wants to hear your bullshit, and it’s because of the China Virus that we need to roll out and expand testing. The virus is real, get over it.”
Frequently promoted on youtube is a podcast video channel with likable, friendly, and excessively reasonable evolutionary biologists who have gained an exceedingly large platform. Bret Weinstein regularly brings on Dr. Robert Malone, the man who invented the mRNA technology in the vaccines, who took the vaccines himself, but has stated openly and spoken out against his own invention.
The censorship and drama surrounding the regressive left and the mainstream media and corporate tech’s censorship of Dr. Robert Malone has led millions of people to kneejerk and thus actively seek out his material, ever before questioning the existence of the virus whatsoever. And that’s exactly my point.
Speaking with intellectual “reason” and “rationale”, they frequently insist that the virus is real and should be treated as real.
They have yet to use their platform in order to speak with anyone who questions the virus existence narrative, but will gladly have on people like Steve Kirsch, who wrote this hitpiece against Dr. Sam Bailey:
The article connects Steve Kirsch to another popular figure in the Medical Freedom Movement, a physicist named Dr. Richard Fleming.
I wanted to know more, so I went and personally met and questioned Dr. Richard Fleming at the Downtown Minneapolis Convention Center on May 28, 2022, when he did a lecture about how graphene oxide is not in the vaccines at all, and that the story behind the gain-of-function lab leak was true. Here are some pictures I took while I attended and listened to his lecture.
When I spoke with Dr. Fleming amidst a semi-circle of people with questions and drinks, I first provided a compliment to him saying (paraphrasing from memory here) “I like how you stated at the beginning of your lecture ‘disclaimer: this is what the science is saying, and this all doesn’t necessarily represent my opinion. I am here as a physicist to show you the facts.’ Dr. Fleming, I felt that provided strength to your lecture, and even more so, provides flexibility for people to further discuss what the science is saying and enable us to question virus existence and further explore alternatives to Pasteur’s Germ Theory, discuss the public’s concerns regarding geoengineering from military aircraft and address poison foods and chemotherapies being causes of disease, as opposed to throwing it under the umbrella that a contagious virus leaked from a lab, which I know may be a contentious topic.”
I respectfully explained to him and the surrounding crowd that I simply didn’t believe viruses were real for the same reason that dirty electricity would hurt us if we put a fork in an electrical socket, that our skies are objectively and observably being littered with geoengineering and the very acute fact that in the virus isolation papers we read time and time again about how monkey kidney cells are being mixed into a petri dish with a sick patient’s human cell that’s being kept alive with bovine fetus serum and human liver cancer cells while being shoved around shelves and coolers by well paid lab coats who went to school and spent years of their lives earning a degree, didn’t actually consitute sufficient enough proof for the existence of a pathogenic virus that has apparently spread throughout the entire world.
After stating where I was coming from, I simply stated that it was odd that both he and Steve Kirsch were strangely unwilling to settle the virus debate with the likes of Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Thomas Cowan, Christine Massay and Dr. Sam Bailey, because I felt that settling this debate would inevitably bring us a bit closer to what’s true. It was strange to read the email exchange between Dr. McCullough and Christine Massay, as McCullough was simultaneously unwilling to debate it either. I suppose if someone discovered that the virus narrative didn’t exist, that we should treat this as the best news yet, given that we could actually end this tyranny once and for all. After all, the conference he was speaking at was called the “Crimes Against Humanity” tour.
He first scoffed at me and openly stated to me while rolling his eyes, “to explain the science behind why I know the virus exists to most people in this room would be equivalent of me speaking to one of my lab rats, and it just wouldn’t go anywhere. Those people are lunatics.” I responded to him, “But sir, shouldn’t the social responsibility of a scientist with a microscope be more open and transparent of their discoveries from beneath high-powered microscopes?”
This sounds a lot like Huxley’s “Brave New World” where there’s clearly a scientific dictatorship being established.
I continued, “Even I can stand in front of my house on the sidewalk and objectively observe airplanes dumping chemicals into the air from above, and affecting weather patterns. In science, these things, among other things such as the increases of pressure in frequency, are variables in the equation. I think people can observe and test for these things much better than lab rats can. Do you agree that the factors of 5G frequency are simultaneously causing health issues? Why did the flu just suddenly disappear in 2020, and why are you insisting that COVID is real?” His response was a fierce, “Absolutely not. There’s not any evidence to support that, and the science has clearly stated that 5G is safe.”
Au contraire, Dr. Fleming.
He failed to respond to me further past denying the existence of chemtrails and geoengineering entirely, and told another person at this semicircle that I was a fucking idiot, which gave all the other people in the semicircle a hint that I might be onto something. On stage, he addressed the “virus debate” question with the exact same angle that Steve Kirsch runs on, in that the entire debate cannot happen specifically due to a disagreement of definition, which you can read about in a screenshot of Dr. Kirsch’s article here below.
The establishment PROMOTES the controlled opposition while censoring anyone pivoting from the Terrain Theory standpoint.
Dr. Sam Bailey is heavily censored. Here’s her paper: “Settling the Virus Debate”. Another great video she recently published on Odysee is called “Bioweapon BS”
Christine Massay is heavily censored for speaking out against virus existence. Here’s her open letter to Dr. Mercola: “Christine Massey: An Open Letter to Dr. Mercola in Response to His Claim That SARS-CoV-2 Has Been Isolated”
My point is to measure the aesthetics for yourself.
Here are some photos I took while I was at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Make what you will of it.
I explained to him about the suspicious symbolism throughout the Convention Center.
Context for understanding this can be digested in this video called “Hypercubism” by The Promethean (Aurora).
Pathogenic Viruses Do Not Exist
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson of China, Wang Wenbin, states, “recently, many international experts and scholars have questioned and criticized the US practice of politicizing the issue of origin-tracing. Australian scientist Dominic Dwyer, a member of the WHO expert team, said there was no evidence to back up the lab escape theory.”
In today’s grander situation, becoming rapidly subservient toward the osmosis of presupposed normalizations requires insistence rather than substance. In the case of the sacrosanct germ theory religion, this puts the self under siege, especially when the long-term consequences of false consciousness have clearly shown to become unbelievably dangerous when introduced, effectuated and permeated into our culture. This is especially true with regards to the past two and a half years of the fifteen days to slow the spread. We are approaching year three of this absolutely pathological woke totalitarian virus hyperbole, and all signs point to the simple fact that the governments, oligarchs, health officials, pharmaceutical bishops and newly-enthroned sanctimoniously power-addicted demagogues from all across the world are synchronized with the most unenlightened campaign of fear in order to attempt to duplicate the same exact extortion scam in 2023, so long as the virus narrative can subsist and simulate as real. Before they try this ever again, it might be wise for us philosophers to help readers become better equipped to deal with this cultural chess match on an individual scale. All of what we have seen unfold in the past two years has to do with the general compliance of people just trying to get by in their day, who did not want to create friction or be the point of a spear with some minimum wage cashiers. It is considered a social suicide for many within cities to openly criticize the inverted medical advice of masking via dished-out received opinion pipelines usually coming straight from hallmark card style memes. By the way, did anyone bother to ask who designed those memes? Did anyone notice how many of the memes did not credit the artist? But it’s “safe” to place automatic compassion and excessive levels of trust into the ideological commandments delivered by this new religion of denominatorship. It would not surprise me whatsoever if most of this information was created directly out of ultra-corrupt Western intelligence agencies such as the CIA, among others.
When assaulted by scientism, we have all heard the term “general consensus” become a highly abusive catch phrase, often weaponized by power addicted co-workers, bosses, customers, politicians and board members who have been shown to bully others into capitulating into a form of ideological servitude. Let’s zoom out and ask once more, “Qui bono?” Just click around the stock market from March 2020 and on, and notice how corporations benefit entirely from these punch-down economics. If you’re still confused, I’ll let this wonderful gymnasium expert chime in to explain the process for you in exactly 100 seconds. (Below, since uploading the link to this chapter, the video has been deleted by YouTube). Fortunately, I saved it. Watch it on my Odysee channel here. I will leave the dead link below, just to drive my point home.
Okay, so you’re all caught up? Great. Now we are all on the same page. This whole scamdemic is an attempt by these absolute losers to purposefully enslave civilians. My friend Spencer unpacks this in-depth in his newest video. Much of his work is definitely worth saving to a playlist.
Self Surveillance and Ego
The French Philosopher Michel Foucault dealt with three types of power in several of his books, “Madness and Civilization,” “Discipline and Punish,” his interviews in “Power/Knowledge,” “The Government of Self and Others,” “Society Must Be Defended,” and several other works. These three types of power he focused on were “sovereign power,” “disciplinary power” and “bio-power.” Foucault observed the control of society, as it weaponized its metaphorical panopticon of surveillance and informants. He also found a shifting from various spectacles of open and devastatingly demoralizing forms of identifiable torture towards more stealth-laced inversions on the body, that sought to target the unconscious self. This could occur from petty forms of torture such as drowning someone in meaningless paperwork, or eating away at someone’s years of life lived, and soft forms of coercion which often function to disguise their depravity and gaslight the victim into compliance.
In this clip from the Walking Dead, Daryl (Norman Reedus) is captured by the Saviors, but the desire of the gang is to force Daryl’s hand into surrendering over his individual sovereignty in order to capitulate in favor of the Saviors toward a form of ideological servitude. This example above effectively highlights this type of torture as a private neurosis, where it’s a way for those who hold power to sneak around the spectacle of torture. Clearly this episode is effective as a deliberate assault of one’s subconscious self into a neurosis of psychological torture. Let it be known that one cannot turn off their ears.
The point here is for one to simply understand that a ripcurrent of subconscious assaults has been berated into our culture with an Overton window of normalized talking points, designed to specifically render the self into a form of ideological servitude towards the narrative of “the mere existence of a virus as a cause of dis-ease.”
Monitor your very own panopticon penumbra here, and recognize that these authoritarian commands are coming straight from mostly urban environments, whether it’s your boss at your job, some high-maintenance customer, or it’s the apartheid sentiment of the more politically correct artists who openly state that they require vaccine passports in order to attend a social event. The heightened fear and assault upon the senses by a surveillant panopticon serves as a vehicle for the enslaved subject to human shield themselves in favor of statism.
Let me show you an example:
Eventually one’s own capitulation to ego becomes an addiction to ones power created by ego, and an extreme doubling-down of unconscious authoritarianism. The long-term function of this results in external dehumanization and tradeoffs of ideological servitude toward the state. The Wizard of Oz who simulates control in this situation simply seeks to maintain control on each side by ensnaring controlled belief that “the virus definitely exists”, so long as the ego feels a sense of impulse satiation, when attempting to be at the very center of reductionist reasoning.
The virus narrative seats nicely into all forms of sycophantic totalitarianism in the media as it pushes nonsense about bat soup, propaganda sponsored by Pfizer, or in the controlled opposition of unconsciously-tamed podcasters, conservative populists, etc. who often are guided by community guidelines, and simultaneously used as pawns in a much bigger game than they may understand. It’s important to notice how often those indoctrinated into the camp of germ theory openly refuse to read about, debate, or have disccussions with people who support terrain theory.
The excessive abuse of false reason can serve to nullify the complexity of any argument with an easy-to-play trump card, in order for one to simulate wisdom, and satiate the impulses of the ego. The ego usually illuminates a path that leads the self into some false sense of agency, as when it is fed and rewarded with nihilistic talking points that serve as an easy win, whether they operate on the frequency of truth or pseudo-truth. If one receives their intellectual dopamine hit by simulating victory without any real substance, then at least the tiny victory can be something that allows them to soundly sleep that particular night.
In the long-term, this produces disastrous outcomes that expand false consciousness, psychological inversion, and eventually having to get checkmated by war-hawks of the military industrial complex as they shuffle around more meaningless papers in order to generate another profitable proxy war. On a local level, per television, tamed podcasts, or the scare tactics of inflationary red lettering, when one zooms out, it becomes clear that we are witnessing a quiet war directed specifically against our perception. These weapons have become subconscious anti-aesthetics, and various tricks designed to slowly enslave civilians and amplify their capitulation towards totalitarian demagogues, often from the ground up.
What do I mean exactly? We are enveloped by a postmodern culture in which the truth of nearly anything must gain the momentum of value before it can be amplified and effectuated whatsoever. Suspicion and zetetic questioning must be applied via conversational debate, so the individual can improve navigation around the detritus of ideological road cones, simply by eliminating from the equation various “establishment viewpoints” that are just not true.
Here we see another example where the Hegelian Dialectic can be of some help. To be brief, anyone’s initial thesis will inevitably generate an antithesis. After some time passes in the stagnant territory, someone will come along and take ideas from both sides, and forge them together in order to generate a synthesis. This same strategy is extremely useful from behind a chess board.
Intellectuals and Society II
Pivoting from the long-game of ideological domination, it’s often that we see intellectuals and populists who excessively rationalize, centralize and thus maintain totalitarian systems of control. But how exactly is such a mechanistic web accomplished?
Experts of the intelligentsia who collectively specialize in the end products that are ideas frequently disregard and ignore the severe tradeoffs of statist reductionism. This unconscious compliance generates an egoistic ouroboros of self-censorship and a fear of speaking out. Normalizations of government and corporation then unfold by failing to speak of select solutions, for it’s the sleight of hand of intellectuals to protect their sources of philanthropy that sustain their careers.
Mr. Rothschild's Energy Discovery
“What Mr. Rothschild had discovered was the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics. That principle is "when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you."
With this in mind, it’s important for one to be wary of when one may be receiving opinions and maligned information directly from the controlled opposition: The Formula has infinite depth in it’s efficacy and application.
Let me provide an exhibit:
Russell Brand is a friendly actor and comedian who is an expert on meditation that climbs to the top of the algorithm with dire warnings about the very obvious totalitarian agenda that is unfolding via The Great Reset. He uploads something like 3-4 videos a day; all usually saying the same thing.
And he slightly pushes the virus existence narrative by normalizing nonsense surrounding the Lab Leak Hypothesis. This is in a deliberately dialectical opposition to something like Rachel Maddow’s bat soup hypothesis.
Russell Brand seems to be friends with the Israeli intellectual Yuval Noah Harari. Harari is the author of a book called “Sapiens”, and frequently induces talking points that normalize technocratic synthesis between the biological and digital worlds.
Yet, Yuval Noah Harari is a member of the World Economic Forum, a corporatist totalitarian group of intellectuals.
The World Economic Forum is same group that Russell seems very terrified of and seems to be warning us about on a daily basis.
Ordo Ab Chao: This strategy is designed to manufacture synthesis with a binary dialectic and keep energy and attention focused within a desired Overton Window.
Simply use your own subconscious mind and discernment in order to navigate this chess game we live in.
Be a slave to no one.
Philosopher, economist and author Thomas Sowell wrote:
“Like everyone else, intellectuals have a mixture of knowledge and notions. For some intellectuals in some fields, that knowledge includes knowledge of the systematic procedures available to test notions and determine their validity as knowledge. Since ideas are their life’s work, intellectuals might be expected to more thoroughly or more systematically subject notions to such tests. Whether or to what extent they do so in practice is, of course, itself a notion that needs to be tested. There are, after all, other skills in which intellectuals also tend to excel, including verbal skills that can be used to evade the testing of their favorite notions.
In short, the various skills of intellectuals can be used either to foster intellectual standards or to circumvent those standards and promote non-intellectual or even anti-intellectual agendas. In other words, intellectuals—defined as an occupational category—may or may not exemplify the intellectual process. Indeed, it is possible for people not defined as intellectuals—engineers, financiers, physicians—to adhere to intellectual procedures more often or more rigorously than some or most intellectuals. The extent to which this is true is another empirical question. What is important here is that the mere word “intellectual,” applied to an occupational category, not be allowed to insinuate the presence of intellectual principles or standards which may or may not in fact be present.
However important rigorous intellectual principles may be within particular fields in which some intellectuals specialize, when people operate as “public intellectuals,” espousing ideas and policies to a wider population beyond their professional colleagues, they may or may not carry over intellectual rigor into these more general, more policy-oriented, or more ideologically charged discussions.”
It is undeniable that much value can be acquired from those who have made available to the public their extensive university lecture recordings, for its initial purpose seems to shrink down the large halls of academia, and renders paying to attend school nearly obsolete. Academic shapeshifting occurs where the intellectual sphere of influence and philosophy has now become centered into the convenient utility of noise cancelling headphones to be lightly placed in the ears on a nice walk. It releases the information for free, and allows people to learn, digest and discuss in public these intellectual stances by the awe and bewilderment of their own accord.
“There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs.”
― Thomas Sowell, A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles
In the dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury wrote:
“Late in the night he looked over at Mildred. She was awake. There was a tiny dance of melody in the air, her Seashell was tamped in her ear again and she was listening to far people in far places, her eyes wide and staring at the fathoms of blackness above her in the ceiling. Wasn't there an old joke about the wife who talked so much on the telephone that her desperate husband ran out to the nearest store and telephoned her to ask what was for dinner? Well, then, why didn't he buy himself an audio-Seashell broadcasting station and talk to his wife late at night, murmur, whisper, shout, scream, yell? But what would he whisper, what would he yell?
What could he say?
And suddenly she was so strange he couldn't believe he knew her at all. He was in someone else's house, like those other jokes people told of the gentleman, drunk, coming home late at night, unlocking the wrong door, entering a wrong room, and bedding with a stranger and getting up early and going to work and neither of them the wiser.
"Millie.... ?" he whispered.
"I didn't mean to startle you. What I want to know is ...."
"When did we meet. And where?"
"When did we meet for what?" she asked.
"I mean-originally."
He knew she must be frowning in the dark.
He clarified it. "The first time we ever met, where was it, and when?"
"Why, it was at --"
She stopped.
"I don't know," she said.
He was cold. "Can't you remember?"
"It's been so long."
"Only ten years, that's all, only ten!"
"Don't get excited, I'm trying to think." She laughed an odd little laugh that went up and up.
"Funny, how funny, not to remember where or when you met your husband or wife."
He lay massaging his eyes, his brow, and the back of his neck, slowly. He held both hands over his eyes and applied a steady pressure there as if to crush memory into place. It was suddenly more important than any other thing in a life-time that he knew where he had met Mildred.
"It doesn't matter," She was up in the bathroom now, and he heard the water running, and the swallowing sound she made.
"No, I guess not," he said.
However, when one more carefully analyzes the performative damage control for sake of insisting further upon this false germ theory paradigm, psychoanalytical processes of elimination present us with simple remainders:
a dialectic of consciousness vs. unconsciousness;
or, anti-truth vs untruth.
Both non-existent polarizations that “simulate existence” from within that presented framework of centrist reason then function to buy extra time for further expansion of The Empire, as people are lost in a sea of intellectual promised lands, and tamed into Solipsistic echo chambers. The continued and overwhelming centrist acceptance of this chess trap has actually got high-brow intellectuals quicksanded into thinking that a freaking cartoon leaked from a lab in Wuhan, and the pathogenic totalitarian “solution” becomes unconsciously justified, in order to mitigate the chaos of a simulated problem. The absence of people figuring this out is specifically due to mere expositional differences in the censorious spider’s web of algorithmic echo chambers. Excessively quantitative amounts of information hyper-saturate our cultural expositions, and the art of societal selection becomes unconsciously biased toward allowing algorithmic convenience to select things for us, thus extensively reducing the power of suggestion between subjects, for one’s time may be more limited than it was before, in old times. Our very own Bradbury’s F451 seashells of selectively portable, convenient, and egoistic intellectual preference is the event of played out deconstructionism itself. Psychic walls are constructed by the ego in order to protect the self, but function to imprison the archetype of the self, at the behest of ones own ego.
Wake up, Mr. Green.
In the wake of this false pandemic simulation, people were quick to fall for this old and filthy “fire in a theater” trick, because inside of our F451 seashell headphones, not only the mainstream media, but also the alternative media unconsciously weaponized long-form podcasts which would further capitulate audiences toward their low vibrational pathogenic lie in regard to the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The untruth vs. anti-truth dialectic then renders this open world of quantitatively cluttered academic content further insufficient, and the societal tradeoff forces our hands toward our new dire necessity for reassessment and a more truthful exposure. This well gets poisoned from pedestals and platforms, as the intellectual end product that is ideas constitutes bread and circus infotainment in which an overwhelming number of listeners have a very slim to almost no chance whatsoever to engage in any opportunity to respond to whoever they are listening to.
In the subchapter called “The Intelligentsia” from his book “Intellectuals and Society”, Thomas Sowell wrote:
“Around a more or less solid core of producers of ideas there is a penumbra of those whose role is the use and dissemination of those ideas. These latter individuals would include those teachers, journalists, social activists, political aides, judges’ clerks, and others who base their beliefs or actions on the ideas of intellectuals. Journalists in their roles as editorial writers or columnists are both consumers of the ideas of intellectuals and producers of ideas of their own, and so may be considered intellectuals in such roles, since originality is not essential to the definition of an intellectual, so long as the end product is ideas. But journalists in their roles as reporters are supposed to be reporting facts and, in so far as these facts are filtered and slanted in accordance with the prevailing notions among intellectuals, these reporters are part of the penumbra surrounding intellectuals. They are part of the intelligentsia, which includes but is not limited to the intellectuals. Finally, there are those whose occupations are not much impacted by the ideas of the intellectuals, but who are nevertheless interested as individuals in remaining au courant with those ideas, if only for discussion on social occasions, and who would feel flattered to be considered part of the intelligentsia.”
A few months of locking down and watching people actually practice social distancing became a complete psychological shit-show to witness. Friends would actually justify reasons for deliberate inactivity for sake of mitigating a non-existent problem. This lie produced a silly excuse in which Sam Gold would marionette their tongues, “Oh sorry, I’m not going out tonight with you all, for it’s a really big risk right now. Didn’t you hear? It’s COVID out.” Any counter response to this brick wall would be met with repeated accusations and strawman arguments to reinforce the lie itself.
A Jungian shadow reaction to ones intellectual ego would receive these narratives passed down from the sheer pseudoscience of virology, as the ego then interprets that overwhelming into reality, by bringing it into many people’s thinking, politicizing it with ideological blame games, and fragmenting the perceptions of public health with unbelievably destructive psychosomatics, and poisons, such as “treatments” like Remdesivir. The pendulum swings into the psychic shadow as it adjusts itself to choose to perceive that the weather may be worse than it is, when it's just not. There was never a reason to mask, except for people to capitulate the self into ideological servituded alongside a pathological cult of psychopathic controllers.
Conversely, what we can look to now, is to strive toward a societal foundation of purely qualitative definition and transparency. This can only be found through unfiltered conversations, as the amplification of discourses among truthful philosophers would serve as a vessel for what remains to be the far more obvious and very uncomplicated truth: viruses do not exist whatsoever, and you would never know there was a pandemic if your television or podcast had not told you that there was one.
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Amandha Vollmer stated in an interview:
“…see, right there, even with the language: you ‘get’ a cold or a flu. The word ‘get’ is a problem that is coming from the germ theory brainwashing: that you are a victim who walks around in your world getting ‘things’.
‘I was just walking down the street and then I ‘got’ a cold, and now I ‘have’ a cold. I got it from someone.’
This is the sea change that’s needed for our thinking. You didn’t ‘get’ anything.
You made your sickness. The toxins in your body from your lifestyle made you sick, made you have symptoms. Symptoms are healing you. Symptoms are expressions; they are releases of toxins that have been stored inside your body, and there are triggers for those things. All kinds of things can say to the body, ‘enough’.
You go to a party, eat a bunch of junk, drink a bunch of alcohol, stay up late… Next day, you have a stuffy nose or a sore throat, you go ‘oh I must be ‘get’… I must have ‘got’ something when I went to that party.’
Well, that’s called victimhood, and that is just not how the body works, and the sooner we get out of the germ theory brainwashing, and understand that those particles actually have never been isolated, or shown to cause any disease in any way, shape, or form…
They don’t actually exist as described in fact by the method section of every virology paper that exists… that we’ve examined.
So the problem is this: we don’t want to take self responsibility for our actions and behaviours. It’s way easier to pass the buck onto somebody else or somewhere else, or an invisible floating particle for why we have expressive symptoms. And the way we speak, the way we assume, is part of the issue. So we need to change the word ‘I got it’, or ‘I’m getting it’, or ‘I acquired it from someone else.’ Or, it’s this ‘I’m blaming the particle for why I’m sick.’
No, you made yourself sick with your lifestyle by poisoning yourself, by suppressing symptoms with drugs and shots, and not allowing the mechanisms to actually work as designed, which is to create the symptoms to push out the wastes, and that means mucus formation. All the symptoms that you associate with a cold or flu is actually a healing process of your body to rebalance it, and to remove all the garbage that you’ve been putting inside your body, whether it’s from negative thinking, emotional trauma, the poor diet… All of those things matter, and they accumulate inside of you, so you didn’t ‘get’ anything.
You don’t ‘get’ a cold or flu. Colds and flus are detox. That’s it.
So this nonsense has to end. Really, it has to stop… because it’s just pushing forward these ideas that somehow, magically, we collect a particle, like some sort of, you know, bacteria, or some sort of living particle is like hurting us randomly. It doesn’t happen. That’s not reality.
What real is our behaviours and actions create consequences. Our body needs to balance, and our body needs to express and remove the waste… and that’s what we’re seeing… and that’s all colds and flus are. They have nothing to do with an invisible particle. Irrelevant. Absolute hogwash, unscientific and fraud… and anybody pushing the idea that we get these things is a hack. I’m sorry, you’ve had more than enough time to do the research, to do the deep dive to understand these particles don’t exist.
And here you are, still pushing it.
So what’s our conclusion? There’s only two conclusions. If you’re still pushing germ theory, you’re either an unresearched idiot, or you’re a plant with an agenda. It’s pretty much the only two places you can go with that, so I hope people can figure this out…”
Decrypting the clues provided by anti-truths becomes necessary in order for us to investigate its geneological pattern recognition, and thus metaphysically cure this poison with a base serum of admittance. You didn’t catch it, you didn’t contract it, you definitely didn’t get it, and you for sure did not pass it on to anyone else as you were never a carrier. Dis-ease is exactly what it means, for it is not caused by an external pathogenic virus agent that’s not been once proven to exist. What causes illness is that our frequency is scrambled, as the toxins that were cast from you via symptoms of deliberate poisoning was performed by the general consensus of oligarchical corporatists and the brutalist alphabet soup agencies of lame-brained governments (more on this, soon to come in Vanishing Point II: Chapter- Fragments of Frequency).
You’re in a game, and by continuing to play along with this game, the simulation in consequence continues to insist more false paradigms upon our society in order to benefit the clever ones who fabricate lies in order to confuse, disempower, and thus enslave their target victims.
It’s to the point where there is a deliberately introduced censorship against the ideas and proposals that there is no virus, found either in my works, or the works of other artists and philosophers who align with truthful doctors, naturopaths and physicians who’ve promoted Béchamp’s terrain theory with nuance. And in us being flatlined and censored: is that for collective safety? Is that to assist public health? And how are you sure about that?
These bullshitting jokers can use the empty space of germ theory’s simulated substance in order to further simulate another rollout of poisons for another false pandemic in order to help tackle another simulated problem proposed by totalitarian supremecists of the corporate sector: climate change. Maintaining the system at play, Sam Gold is inside your head, totally certain that we have all totally seen super scientific proof that global warming totally exists, and that hard working scientists and climate activists are totally working day and night to solve this existential threat to us all. After all, we have to reach and stretch for datasets of what’s probably a great way to explain the sudden rise in heart attacks after the vaccine rollout. Global warming is probably why a bat coronavirus infected the world, right? Global warming totally caused all these heart attacks, because it was COVID that probably did it, right? It couldn’t be the materialist inoculations, could it? After all, there are thousands of hard working scientists just trying to do their job in order to save humanity from its own demise…
These untruths unconsciously happen from phases of time to nearly everyone, and the only way to actually transcend this muck is for one to commit themselves toward recognizing whenever we are clearly wrong about something, and then adjusting the frequencies of our more fragmented, or less than truthful messages. Instead of doubling down on empty space, we can reduce the clutter of that privation to make way for an adjustment toward a higher frequency. We are all occasionally proven wrong at times, and thus admitting our prior incorrect stances can then pivot our framework altogether, as it makes room to sharpen ones blade somewhere closer toward a more philosophical truth, as opposed to the statist alternative. It’s either that, or the sheer conscious effort of deliberately pretending that those of us who are willing to openly and philosophically debate against germ theory magically somehow do not exist as people in this realm whatsoever, when we are simply shifting the burden toward those who made the claim that a virus exists and is the cause of disease...
Altogether, this inverse function of doubling down on virus existence would egoistically contrast the psychological works, lectures, and advice of a revered intellectual like Dr. Peterson, for it’s the germ theory itself that absolves all forms of individual responsibility by erasing one’s personal access to true philosophical sovereignty.
I suppose that we’ve got to laughingly admire that surveillant ego voice that’s responsible for taming these populist intellectuals as they dance with words on a stage. With what seems to be no intent of investigating further into real world solutions postulated by those in the “terrain theory” or “naturopathic” side of the fence, we instead are all stuck with peripherally seeing swarms of people get vacuumed into these fragmented arguments of further insistent nothingness, centered around unconscious postmodern dialectics, and safely snugged within the vortex of a manufactured overton window. By failing to even question virus existence, we see today’s charismatic intellectual class openly absorb these received opinions given to them on a poisoned silver platter by military war hawks and intelligence operatives. The pathogenic lie itself gets plunged down through this clogged pipeline of information that operates entirely on a false center of reason.
Dr. Peterson's prior outspokenness regarding the advent of totalitarian governments benefitting directly from excesses of pathogenic diseases has produced a surprisingly stark materialist solution to a completely fabricated problem, for this vast ocean of information fails for some reason to reach this friendly professor who simply seems to view the depths of this “object” from an upside down perspective through an inverse mirror.
The following is an exchange between Dr. Jordan Peterson during his 10 May 2021 interview with Dr. Randy Thornhill:
Dr. Peterson: “…you wanted to make the world a place where the cost for the free exchange of ideas and people was dramatically reduced so that the countervailing tendency to that was unnecessary… And the catastrophes that might go along with an excess of that countervailing proclivity.
The most effective way forward would be to eradicate infectious disease and so and then you'd have the benefit of eradicating the disease which would be non-trivial plus you'd have the political benefit.”
Dr. Thornhill: “It will be healthier, lower morbidity, and healthier throughout their lives and uh also they'd be open and uh, you know, sort of the reaching the goal of the true enlightenment which was all about you know freedom of thought and individuality, um science, um knowledge all that stuff.”
Dr. Peterson: “Right. all entirely laudable goals except when the cost becomes too high
Dr Thornhill: “Yeah, when diseases are out there…”
The exact presupposed analysis that the causes for disease are sourced from the external is the exact issue itself. From this false paradigm, the daunting ego perception appeals to fallacy and submerges the self under siege, and engulfing the world in half truths, as the audience is left facing the great unknown, while learning almost nothing about how to heal from dis-ease in any sense of frequency or vibration.
Although, it is a necessary element of the psyche, the easily accessible shadow sees the weather report of some Category 2 hurricane heading toward Florida, but it secretly wants the weather to get way worse and pick up speed in the ocean in order for it to climb to an extraordinarily exciting Category 5 monster hurricane. What I’m getting at is when we are being brickwalled off from simply trying to show people that “contagion” or “pathogenic viruses” do not exist as a cause of disease, it’s the intellectuals and the ego who simulate assistance, are failing to address presented solutions.
The plateau of intellectuals exist within their obedience for content filters and the sieves for public opinion, directly from the respective surveillant ego voices of well paid public relations (PR) teams and the technocratic nerds who assist the public in their own chess move blunders. This dance of the long game is delicately performed in order to buy time for the expansion of the Empire. The remaining excrement of virus existence and bullshit about global warming gets pushed into the toilet of youtube, which results in continuous appeals to authority and an unconscious worship of nameless “experts” from their respective specialty fields.
The medical freedom movement is entrenched with those who still, for some reason, want to tame people back to sleep into Pasteur’s germ theory. It’s not very difficult to seek psychoanalytical tells which are deliberately conscious to its anti-truth inversions. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. frequently simulates his fumbling of the ball, by consciously being aware of terrain theory and it’s lead proponents, but deliberately doubling down on what is clearly, testable, repeatable and observably false. And one would only wonder at why his books are available at a Barnes and Noble…
On the topics presented here in “The Formula”, Dr. Sam Bailey’s conclusion can be found here in her newest video “Virologie Nights”. Obviously, this video she made here was censored from YouTube as well.
The outmaneuvering of the ego voice is key towards elevating the self into more transcendent forms of enlightenment. In chess, only a pawn can break through and become a queen. In order to supersede the egoistic intellectual plateau, simply abandon the closed metatronic psychological systems, and make room for openness and possibility between the self and the laws of nature. Reject pseudo-reality by eliminating the false from equation and then allow what’s true to maintain its inevitable high-frequency existence as a remainder; common, revolutionary minds will be found at those junctions.
Come along, my dear Zarathustra and I’ll show you. The best solution for this is in the removal of the cause of the problem. Sam Gold is inside of you, pretending that he is you, but in order to confront this issue further in-depth, we must work to traverse somewhere Beyond Good and Evil.
The conclusion of this section exists in this link above: This youtube video above will likely get censored if it doesn’t slip through the cracks. If it is, just watch it on ODYSEE instead to hear my final words in conclusion to this article. (Update: it was censored)
Update: I was correct. The conclusion video I made for this article was censored within hours after posting. Please watch the conclusion via the link. Thanks for reading.
Abandon ideology.
—Ira James Rogers
Thanks for reading. All of this is part of a philosophy book I’m writing to be titled Vanishing Point, where “The Formula” is an expansion upon my film, and is set to be released within the framework of Vanishing Point. Below is information on that, my film, and upcoming works.
Now available: Vanishing Point I
Material Splinter
ζητέω Pt. I Philanthropy
Coming up next: Vanishing Point II
ζητέω Pt. II: Fragments of Frequency
ζητέω Pt. III: Foundation
ζητέω Pt. IV: Maligned Hubris Schema
Extinguishing the Fire in the Theatre
Sun, Sand, Sea and Sausages
The Formula Section II: Dissolution
Vanishing Point III
My three hour film is available for free, exclusively on SUBSTACK. Get your HDMI cord and turn the lights off with the sound up. Strap in, relax, freakin’ have some fun willya!
A closing message to the reader and general audience…
The best way to follow updates for me and my work is to become a FREE SUBSCRIBER to my Proxy Earth Substack page. All local film screenings in local theaters and live book readings will occur anywhere from coffee shops, bookstores, to maybe the cool bar I now work at. It will all be announced with flyers and all info will posted HERE on Proxy Earth Substack. If you become a free subscriber, the announcements will reach straight to your email inbox, so you won’t miss out on the opportunity to come join us for the fun. If you still prefer Zuckerworld and it’s cringey advertisments, you can find me on instagram here, but I’m heavily censored and shadowbanned there. However, something that really shatters algorithms, is that I am fully accepting of any baby animal videos that you can find and send to me, for no reason at all.
If you feel inclined to support this work, consider becoming a paid subscriber to my Substack page to view exclusive art projects, recorded book readings, exclusive short films, deleted scenes from my longer films, exclusive looks at other secret films I’ve put together, and other fun projects that are occluded behind my paid subscriber paywall. I try to find what’s become very heavily censored interviews with me and I will soon put these on my Substack as well.
Note that the power of suggestion is key, so please spread this work around and get people engaged with true philosophical discourses. Much of what’s on here will never make it onto the youtube algorithm or mainstream social media atmospheres, for that’s not the intent whatsoever. Even if I did throw it on there, it would quickly evaporate and become ephemerally obsolete due to the advent of modern technocratic censorship and their petty human shielding for germ theory and apollonian sun worship.
Paid subscriptions are not everyone’s thing, so I will soon make physical copies of all this book and my extensive film material to be attached alongside the literature, which people can order and alternatively support my work through. That’s all still tentative as the remainder of this total book “Vanishing Point” is nearing completion.
For the moment, if you would choose to support this endeavor, feel free to “Buy Me A Coffee”, only if you feel so inclined to support this extensive work and deeper level researches that I gladly release to the world for no cost at all.
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